Chancery court judge Pamela Fleenor is ordering a hearing after getting from the state of Tennessee on relation a set of legal motions demanding a rewrite of her most recent orders.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM
On Jan. 20, Judge Fleenor dismissed my petition for writ of mandamus to end the fraudulent CV-19 state of emergency which has wrecked the Tennessee economy and abrogated the constitutional rights of 6.8 million people.
In two orders she throws out my demands upon Gov. Bill Lee and Hamilton County health administrator Becky Barnes be required to obey state law. Tenn. Code Ann. § Title 68-5-104 deals with contagions, epidemics and quarantines — it is the controlling law for public health threats by contagions.
Judge Fleenor says I don’t have standing to challenge them because I have not been sufficiently and particularly injured, that my injuries are invisible in the midst of the alleged harms to others.
‘Forthwith’ is the law, not 179 days
Judge Fleenor is ordering a phone hearing March 30, a Tuesday. That is 21 days from now.
I filed my emergency petition 158 days ago on Oct. 2. A petition for a writ of mandamus must issue “forthwith” in state law. That means within days. That means immediately. On the spot. Get cracking. The March 30 hearing is 179 days after I filed suit.
In hog-tying the petition, Judge Pam Fleenor has rejected the rule of law and equity and has taken more than times longer than the maximum time such an emergency petition requires. If forthwith is days,
The abrogation of the state law and overthrow of constitutional government began March 12, or 362 days ago, with the first executive order from Gov. Lee.
There is no reason for hearing. It is fruitless, rejects the rules of judicial economy, adds delay and multiplies injustice, and threatens me and the people in the state. Judge Fleenor has heard everything I need to say with two motions for reconsideration. One filing 34 pages of analysis. The other 48.
Needless hearing
She’s heard enough from me as relator, representing the state and its people and bearing their grievance against scofflaw and malefactor officeholders.
And what does she need to hear from two parties who are not only in default but in violation of state law? What does she need to hear from parties who have negative equity and are deeply, deeply in the red as far as obedience to the law goes and who are engaged in a massive fraud against the people of Tennessee and their liberties?
I demanded a rewrite to get some lawful and equitable reason that she cannot offer me a remedy. If she is going to dismiss the suit, I am demanding a lawful reason. (There isn’t one. Mandamus must issue on the record, which is the suit itself, filed after Lee and Barnes admitted violating the law.)
Unjust judge Pamela Fleenor sets record
She needs to act immediately in her injustice, so I can appeal it to Knoxville and the court of appeals. Her rationale in her 33 pages of type in two orders is bogus, and her law work follows the frivolous arguments of Gov. Lee’s state-funded public defender from the AG’s officer, Janet Kleinfelter.
Judge Fleenor is an unjust judge and willing to curry favour with two officials and to disdain, disregard, alienate, oppress and refuse to rescue the people of Hamilton County and the people of Tennessee.
Her delay has allowed the county health department to launch its so called vaccine program , which across the country has already taken more than 1,000 lives, according to Epoch Times and Newsweek.
I’m asking that she order Gov. Lee to obey the law. To help her, I have drafted a peremptory writ of mandamus, as follows.
Peremptory writ of mandamus
Comes now, this honorable court and commands respondents forthwith to obey Tenn. Code Ann. § Title 68-5-104, isolation and quarantine, specifically as regards the erstwhile complex of symptoms known as COVID-19, SARS-CoV2 and other names, as follows:
- Respondent(s) receive “a report of a [Hamilton County] case, or suspected case, of disease declared to be communicable, contagious, or one which has been declared by the commissioner of health to be subject to isolation or quarantine,” pursuant to and required by T.C.A. § 68-5-104.
- Respondent(s) “confirm or establish the diagnosis,” pursuant to and required by T.C.A. § 68-5-104.
- Respondent(s) “determine the source or cause of the disease” pursuant to T.C.A. § 68-5-104.
- Respondent(s) use testing method(s) that identify the cause of the disease.
- Respondent(s) enter into a required communication or report of the initial case, in anticipation of compliance with TCA § 68-1-202, the cause, or “contagious principle” or transmission mode to the commissioner, or governor, or any other government official.
- Respondent(s) or department “take such steps as may be necessary to isolate or quarantine the case or premise upon which the case, cause or source may be found, as may be required by the rules and regulations of the state department of health,” and of the “contagious principle” or transmission mode and send its findings to the commissioner or governor or any other government official, pursuant to either T.C.A. § 68-5-104 or T.C.A. § 68-1-202.
- Respondents cease the fraudulent use of the PCR test, or any derivation, unsuitable for detecting an infectious agent. The PCR test, or of any variant, is not intended for diagnostic purposes, or as being used by the respondent(s).
Pamela A. Fleenor
Chancellor, Part 1

Time to fight