Many of us discovered your article and are ready to back you up.
The people criticizing your position and articles on chemtrails/climate geoengineering are mostly paid agents for those who are profiteering from this eco-terrorism.
It’s their job to intimidate reporters with the word “conspiracy theorist” and make it appear you are being attacked by your own audience. NOT TRUE. — we know who these instigators are. They are the same agents who repeatedly repeatedly edit good data off Wikipedia to replace it with false “chemtrails” information.
Thanks for taking time to promote awareness of this most important topic of all time. Case Orange is a good study to use however the issue of military weaponization is another, bigger agenda not made part of the report.
The most prolific author on this topic is a qualified scientist and geoengineering investigator, Cliff Carnicom. His online archive spans 14 years of research.
My website supports Carnicom’s work ahead of all others.
Please look at Carnicom’s archive to discover the rest of the story. — Cheers – Hsaive
July 16, 2014
This is the reply to my forward…I would like to forward to Mrs. Gaddy,
Hi, Chris,
As usual, this is an abomination and a desecration of justice against decent, Law abiding Americans. This is where our constitutional methods could have helped them in the very beginning, but if people don’t know about them, and even if they do, but have no interest in using them, this is the type of thing that can and usually does happen.
At this point, if we were in their shoes, we would try to remove the judge, the prosecutor, the mayor and whoever else has harmed us by their unconstitutional actions, pursuant to their oaths, by invoking Sections 3 & 4 of the 14th Amendment, which holds that, when oath takers perjure their oaths, they vacate their offices upon commission of the act(s), thereby forfeit all salaries, benefits and pensions. These constitutional sections are self-executing, meaning they require NO enabling legislation to have lawful force and effect; thus can be applied immediately. To our knowledge, no one else in the country has used these constitutional provisions, except for Margy, me and our followers. It is way past time for the people to USE the constitutional remedies guaranteed to them.
If you can get this email to these folks, or to anyone close to them, please do so, and if you wish, send it out far and wide. As Margy and I have said forever, in America, if you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any. Even if you do know your rights, but do not know how to apply them against absolute Evil, then, you really do not have any.
One final point here. Courts are required by Law to uphold and provide due process of law, and any court that fails to uphold and provide due process forfeits any perceived jurisdiction, thus that court is constitutionally defective, incompetent, so lacks authority to hear any other matter, and any orders issued by that court are null and void. Until the constitutional anomalies are , corrected, the only authority that court has is to dismiss charges alleged against defendants, provided defendants know enough to move for dismissal and can provide supportive, factually, lawfully based reasons.
This is spot on but until people awaken to the fact Europe and America and every other Democratic country are under an illegal corporation perpetrated on the people by Rome replacing what was once actually a government now stands a corporation.
The only way to take this corporation down is to legally remove yourselves from its admiralty law and get back on the land & soil under common law Law of the land. For those of you who think this is BS you stand nothing more than a brainwashed enabler. I made this move recorded my paperwork 4 years ago and the mandates and none of their rules so called laws — IE: Extortion methods — work on me and my family anymore.
I suggest you also do not confuse this with sovereign citizen. Learn the definition of the word then tell me how it applies.
For evoking the 14th Amendment what constitution do you think applies to you?
There are indeed 3 of them. The 14th Amendment you speak of is in the original constitution modified now and you no longer have the original security of this constitution because from your stolen birth via your birth certificate you have been moved onto the law of the sea.
NOT land.
You are a corporate dependent or tax collector If you are not aware of this I suggest you get to researching very quickly.
Excellent article, thanks for researching, speaking truth. Exemplary.
Greetings from The Netherlands, Emil
Many of us discovered your article and are ready to back you up.
The people criticizing your position and articles on chemtrails/climate geoengineering are mostly paid agents for those who are profiteering from this eco-terrorism.
It’s their job to intimidate reporters with the word “conspiracy theorist” and make it appear you are being attacked by your own audience. NOT TRUE. — we know who these instigators are. They are the same agents who repeatedly repeatedly edit good data off Wikipedia to replace it with false “chemtrails” information.
Thanks for taking time to promote awareness of this most important topic of all time. Case Orange is a good study to use however the issue of military weaponization is another, bigger agenda not made part of the report.
The most prolific author on this topic is a qualified scientist and geoengineering investigator, Cliff Carnicom. His online archive spans 14 years of research.
Since 2007, however, his research focuses more on Morgellons syndrome as a biological contaminant delivered by aircraft.
My website supports Carnicom’s work ahead of all others.
Please look at Carnicom’s archive to discover the rest of the story. — Cheers – Hsaive
This is the reply to my forward…I would like to forward to Mrs. Gaddy,
Hi, Chris,
As usual, this is an abomination and a desecration of justice against decent, Law abiding Americans. This is where our constitutional methods could have helped them in the very beginning, but if people don’t know about them, and even if they do, but have no interest in using them, this is the type of thing that can and usually does happen.
At this point, if we were in their shoes, we would try to remove the judge, the prosecutor, the mayor and whoever else has harmed us by their unconstitutional actions, pursuant to their oaths, by invoking Sections 3 & 4 of the 14th Amendment, which holds that, when oath takers perjure their oaths, they vacate their offices upon commission of the act(s), thereby forfeit all salaries, benefits and pensions. These constitutional sections are self-executing, meaning they require NO enabling legislation to have lawful force and effect; thus can be applied immediately. To our knowledge, no one else in the country has used these constitutional provisions, except for Margy, me and our followers. It is way past time for the people to USE the constitutional remedies guaranteed to them.
If you can get this email to these folks, or to anyone close to them, please do so, and if you wish, send it out far and wide. As Margy and I have said forever, in America, if you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any. Even if you do know your rights, but do not know how to apply them against absolute Evil, then, you really do not have any.
One final point here. Courts are required by Law to uphold and provide due process of law, and any court that fails to uphold and provide due process forfeits any perceived jurisdiction, thus that court is constitutionally defective, incompetent, so lacks authority to hear any other matter, and any orders issued by that court are null and void. Until the constitutional anomalies are , corrected, the only authority that court has is to dismiss charges alleged against defendants, provided defendants know enough to move for dismissal and can provide supportive, factually, lawfully based reasons.
Best regards,
Jack and Margy Flynn
See this video re. cops –
This is spot on but until people awaken to the fact Europe and America and every other Democratic country are under an illegal corporation perpetrated on the people by Rome replacing what was once actually a government now stands a corporation.
The only way to take this corporation down is to legally remove yourselves from its admiralty law and get back on the land & soil under common law Law of the land. For those of you who think this is BS you stand nothing more than a brainwashed enabler. I made this move recorded my paperwork 4 years ago and the mandates and none of their rules so called laws — IE: Extortion methods — work on me and my family anymore.
I suggest you also do not confuse this with sovereign citizen. Learn the definition of the word then tell me how it applies.
For evoking the 14th Amendment what constitution do you think applies to you?
There are indeed 3 of them. The 14th Amendment you speak of is in the original constitution modified now and you no longer have the original security of this constitution because from your stolen birth via your birth certificate you have been moved onto the law of the sea.
NOT land.
You are a corporate dependent or tax collector If you are not aware of this I suggest you get to researching very quickly.