Administrative noticeRight to travel

Fiedler serves top cop administrative notice on TN law limits

Christopher Fiedler and his wife, Nicole Beale, face continuing arrest threat in travels on his private scooter that he insists is not subject to privilege under Tennessee law. Mr. Fiedler now tells police is is “traveling under administrative notice” and that he doesn’t answer questions. (Photo Christopher Fiedler)

Free-traveling Christopher M. Fiedler served Tennessee transportation administrative notice on Paris, Tenn., police chief Ricky Watson.

Ricky Watson, chief of Paris police department

Mr. Fiedler, under continuing enforcement of the state trucking law upon his private use of the road by private scooter, went to the municipal building at 100 N. Caldwell on May 1 and at 2:30 p.m. served the 21pp notice and affidavit to the woman at the department front desk.

“It is for the chief to look over for himself. It is undisputed” since 2018, Mr. Fiedler says.

Mr. Fiedler intends to inform the city of the disabilities in state law regulating the privilege of driving and operating a motor vehicle and of constitutional protections of property rights that inhere in movement of one’s person and property on the people’s rights of way. The duty of the department of safety and homeland security at Tenn. Code Ann. § 65-15-101 to “[p]rotect the welfare and safety of the traveling and shipping public *** in their contact with the agencies of motor transportation and allied occupations.”

Administrative notice seeks to reduce cities’ lawsuit risks, explaining limits of tax, police power upon use on public way

“The main point is that there are freedoms and we do have freedom of movement,” Mr. Fiedler says. The law “regulates the commerce of the state. I’m not in commerce, not when I am just traveling to work, or from work, or to or from the park.” 

“I hope I get results by them leaving me alone, because they know it is right after they read it. They can’t argue with the points that are in what I sent them, in Tennessee [transportation] administrative notice. What can they do? If they can’t prove it wrong, what can they say?”

The notice intends to spare Tennessee cities and counties civil lawsuits for official misconduct and oppression by prompting them to reform traffic enforcement and to be leery of arresting and charging people who are not involved in shipping, trucking, hauling and for-profit privileged use of the public roads.

Chief Watson at a meeting just after Mr. Fiedler was freed handed Mr. Fiedler a copy of T.C.A. 55-50-108, highlighted in yellow. Mr. Watson indicates Paris will continue to seize and arrest Mr. Fiedler. 

Chief Watson gives Mr. Fiedler 2 docs in April 30 meet

It is not disputed that a person driving a motor vehicle must have the privilege from state of Tennessee, and proof thereof. Christopher Fiedler says driving or operating a motor vehicle is a calling, occupation, avocation or trade that one voluntarily enters into by applicaiton for the privilege with the department of safety. Mr. Fiedler says he has not applied for that privilege, as he does not use his scooter as a motor vehicle. (Photos Christopher Fiedler)

A motor vehicle is one put into commercial service by application to department of revenue for the privilege of having the car registered, elevated from its mere status as a car, auto or trailer into a “motor vehicle.” The use to which a car is put determines if it should be entered into the state record as a motor vehicle. Otherwise, it’s a car, scooter or auto. (Photo Christopher Fiedler)

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