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Ministry update: Christian mercy labor under judge threat

Going limp, I force deputy Brandon Bennett and a jailer to drag me to the jail in their false arrest and false imprisonment tort. I don’t cooperate with crime, and force enemies of liberty and law to commit to their errors and malice. (Photo Hamilton County sheriff’s office)

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Saturday May 4, 2024 — I stand under legal establishment threat of UPL, or unauthorized practice of law. Judge Larry Ables at a hearing Monday lit into me to intimidate me in my “next friend” role of police abuse victim Tamela Grace Massengale.

She is a crime victim and abused by a law-breaking magistrate, Lorrie Miller, who rejects black-letter law in the creation of arrest warrants. Miss Grace was seized under a bogus warrant by a Venmo refund scam operator who used a phone call to policewoman Brandi Siler (see photo) to intimidate Miss Grace and get her arrested.

I filed April 25 a remarkable petition to get the case removed from general sessions to criminal court so she and I could, together, address the magistrate’s wrongs in her case — and also generally, upon hundreds of cases.

Judge Larry Ables

I’ve reported about false arrest problems in SE TN more than two years. On Dec. 26 I addressed Lorrie Miller directly in a brief, demanding reply and her authorities. No answer. No reform. I gave my analysis to the county’s three criminal court judges.

Now, serving as counsel and next friend of Miss Grace, Judge Ables threatens to harm me under the UPL law. That law doesn’t apply because I am a journalist and not making money with a law business or practice, nor am I being paid. Thus, I cannot be prosecuted, nor sued. At least not justly.

The legal and political establishment in Hamilton  County, however, seems immune to the claims of the law. It requires, for an arrest warrant to issue, fact witnesses and victims to be part of the creation of arrest warrants. Miller policy is that only cops can swear them.

➤  My suit vs. revenue Cmsr. David Gerregano elicits a “protection letter” I carry in a car with a revoked tag. The letter will cover me vis a vis police and deputies until time comes that a judge overthrows the Eye of Sauron operation that brings nearly 100,000 criminal convictions in TN yearly, mostly among the poor. I am dealing here with official oppression and official misconduct that judges, lawyers and the people (ignorantly) accept.

Tennessee supreme court justices dun pauper for nearly F$1,000 despite accepting his appeal without payment under affidavit of poverty. (Photo David Tulis)

➤  The state supreme court refuses to hear my case of first impression in Flexibility v. Cupelli, my counterattack against criminal usury lenders in TN. It has sent me a $930 bill in this matter I entered in forma pauperis (poor person). Will I have to ask to be on a $10 a month payment plan? Should I get a loan from Flexibility Capital to pay this freight?

➤  I am drafting a federal lawsuit vs. Flexibility Capital, TBF Financial-Lendini and two lawyers for their criminal activity issuing and collecting on loans with APRs between 208% and 593%. Plan to file this summer.

Suing this car for a parking violation gives me a chance to correct the bad law work imposed upon the public by Chattanooga Parking Authority. (Photo CPA)

➤  I went on “trial” April 24 challenging Chattanooga Parking Authority over an $11 ticket. CPA is violating state law, and making a fatal mistake in its legal paperwork that I take the trouble to identify. Subscribe at to read my how-to. An official verdict is due.

➤  Slashing arrests in Hamilton County 30% to 60% is the goal in the pending case Tulis v. Bennett, directed against Hamilton County for its “Redcoat” warrants project violating the constitution and TCA 40-7-103. I will demand injunctive relief and punitive damages or the county maliciously, knowingly and intentionally violating constitutionally guaranteed rights. This case over my Nov. 22, 2023, warrantless arrest traveling in my old RAV4 also will demand injunctive protection for ingress and egress rights of movement, locomotion, communication (aka, travel). TN courts conspire to deny this right using a magic sentence in the 1997 case State v. Booher, a bit of legal trickery and judicial fraud. I will begin early depositions under Rule 27 before fiiling the complaint against three parties.

David Tulis is reporter for NoogaRadio Network.

Video of my arrest just now posts on YouTube.

➤  I ask a minister at my church this week if this work of mercy and combat could “be adopted” as a deaconal ministry, with access to either payroll or tithe funds. The answer is no. I am “not qualified” to do any law work. But Pastor John invites me to make particular requests if pressed, say, for a F$500 filing fee in federal court.

My work is highly unusual, and pursuant to my experience and learning. I am a fighter for truth and justice, defending all in TN law that reflects the goodness and justice in God’s law, in the Bible. I ask that Christian people support what I am doing via GiveSendGo or by dealing with me in person or by mail.

My mailing address is:

c/o 10520 Brickhill Lane

Soddy-Daisy TN 37379


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