The state has been in a state of revolutionary overthrow of government 826 days, since Gov. Bill Lee, a Republican seeking re-election, followed a global panic and opted to violate the bill of rights, ostensibly to save lives in a pretended emergency.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 96.9 FM
What has occurred with respondent Lee’s violation of 68-5-504 is far worse than a tornado, fire or earthquake that wrecks buildings, slashes tarmac on highways and streets, topples buildings, blackens the power grid, chokes utilities such as gas and water in certain counties or cities in Tennessee.
Emergencies of that sort have delineated limits and a clear cause or exigency or warrant.
The penal colony shutdown of the entire state, starting March 12, 2020, and peaking April 2 with his “safer at home” emergency decree, is unlimited, and remains in effect, subject to renewal at any time, under any new threat — such as the hour’s latest, the Monkeypox. The state of emergency ended officially in November, but the processes and government functions and legal precedent remain undisturbed, like reusable tire tracks on soft ground.
His violation of the law as executive branch head is an effective earthquake of a different sort.
His is one that has leveled the other branches of government and their normal operations. Violation of the law that the courts have accepted has shattered the form of government that existed prior to March 2020 and replaced it with a unitary form of power in violation of the constitution and imposing deep, lasting irreparable injury upon the people in state of Tennessee and under its protection.
My court case, seeking a hearing in the supreme court, case is brought to preserve the continuity of government and the maintain of its functions in keeping with our Article 1 bill of rights, particularly regarding the protections of the people to open courts, speedy trial by jury and the open administration of justice in preservation of their property and liberties.