Chattanooga resident Kevin West was a lifelong radio reporter and personality. His widow’s name is Carlene. (Photo Kevin West)
CHATTNOOGA, Tenn., Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2023 – The sudden death Monday of longtime radio journalist and recently named cop flak Kevin West deserves an autopsy as a clear FM signal to the political and legal establishment that brought us the Covid-19 disaster and persuaded millions to take lethal experimental meds.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio Network
Local and state officeholders gave no resistance to the mass harm starting March 12, 2020, against public health led by a Republican governor and a local health department committed to ignoring state law and disputing a lawsuit seeking corrective action and respect of the people’s rights
Federal data at VAERS, the vaccine adverse event reporting system of the FDA, puts Tennessee jab deaths at 126,500 and reportable side-effects or harms at 1.3986 million in a state of 7 million. The figure assumes a URF, or underreporting factor, of 100, based on a study of the system. Other data sets reveal even worse reports of harm, ranging from turbo cancer to heart failure on a scale never seen before in human history.
The fog-bombing press that Mr. West embodied scoffs continually at such reports, covered on alt-press platforms such as NoogaRadio, Rumble and any of a growing number of Web podcasts and bulletins. The lawsuit State of Tennessee ex rel Tulis v. Bill Lee, governor, et al, got not a single mention in any local news outlet except five paragraphs in the Times Free Press. This lawsuit, I contend, the most momentous fought in state history, shows Tennessee in a state of legal overthrow, the bill of rights abrogated and the mandamus remedy extirpated from the rights of the people.
Mr. West “died unexpectedly” after physical stress that might have triggered heart failure, as it has among hundreds of such deaths. “Friends said Mr. West had worked out, then went into his office. He had walked out of his office when he collapsed. A 43-year radio veteran, Mr. West was described as ‘the community’s most-trusted news source for 35 years, providing up-to-date news and reporting during some of the community’s most challenging times,’” a report in Chattanoogan.com says.
For more than 40 years Mr. West was part of radio news and reporting, arriving in Chattanooga in 1987. Mr. West also was a Navy captain, starting in the reserves and retiring in 2021. His military role was “public affairs,” or marketing and information serving the government. Under the Joe Biden presidency, members of the military were coerced to get the so-called Covid-19 vaccine, and there is no doubt Mr. West got at least one shot.
The Chattanooga Police Department says it “suffered a tremendous loss this morning following the sudden passing of Public Affairs Director Kevin West. West experienced a medical emergency around 8:30 AM and was taken to a local hospital where he later died.” Mr. West was working to “establish a more robust media presence and capitalize on current social platforms to deliver timely messaging,” the agency says.
Mr. West’s body is at the medical examiner’s office because his death occurred on the job, says Julie Cain of that office. She says the examination will be thorough.
How deep will forensics go?
Dr. Michael Metcalfe is the Hamilton County medical examiner. His duty is to examine bodies of people who die unnaturally – people otherwise in good health whose death may be a public health warning and require a deep study
Dr. Metcalfe and his understudy Dr. Steven Cogswell have yet to report the first jab death or harm in the county. Likewise, Dr. Stephen Miller, medical officer of the county health department, has yet to signal the first jab harm or death, though numerous police and media people “died suddenly,” as the mystified saying goes.
Dr. Metcalfe is the party to whom any member of the public, aware of a death in unnatural circumstances, must make report to determine if larger medical health or public evils are afoot.
The law imposes this obligation on every citizen, resident, member, person, man, woman or body in the county.
Tenn. Code Ann. § 38-7-108. Death; suspicious circumstances
Any *** person having knowledge of the death of any person *** when in apparent health, *** deaths believed to represent a threat to public health, *** deaths in any suspicious/unusual/unnatural manner, found dead, *** shall immediately notify the county medical examiner[.] ‡
Dr. Metcalfe, in a 2020 report to state government, says his “broad customer base of a medical examiner system” includes agencies such as DA’s offices, the TBI, DOT, DEA, “but most importantly, the people of Tennessee.”
For our citizens, the system enables appropriate payment of survivor benefits, informs the family of potential hereditary and/or congenital diseases, provides surveillance for emerging threats to health and safety, decreases the chance that murders go undetected and prevents the conviction of the innocent. In other words, the impact of quality medicolegal death investigation on any community is far reaching.
In this 2020 report medical examiners say they intend to give “high quality medicolegal death investigation and forensic autopsy services.”
‡ Here’s the full law: Any physician, undertaker, law enforcement officer, or other person having knowledge of the death of any person from violence or trauma of any type, suddenly when in apparent health, sudden unexpected death of infants and children, deaths of prisoners or persons in state custody, deaths on the job or related to employment, deaths believed to represent a threat to public health, deaths where neglect or abuse of extended care residents are suspected or confirmed, deaths where the identity of the person is unknown or unclear, deaths in any suspicious/unusual/unnatural manner, found dead, or where the body is to be cremated, shall immediately notify the county medical examiner or the district attorney general, the local police or the county sheriff, who in turn shall notify the county medical examiner. The notification shall be directed to the county medical examiner in the county in which the death occurred.
38-7-108. Death; suspicious circumstances (emphases added)
Any *** person having knowledge of the death of any person *** when in apparent health, *** deaths believed to represent a threat to public health, *** deaths in any suspicious/unusual/unnatural manner, found dead, *** shall immediately notify the county medical examiner[.] ‡
This looks to be another meaningless and unenforceable statute from the “let’s pretend” legislature composed of “persons” (dead corporate entity in commerce), itself, as it proposes to rule the People of Tennessee (living corporeal men and women).
No wonder that the civil murder at birth, of the man or woman is never reported by the piece of paper “person” that he/she is replaced with. A piece of paper (birth certificate) “person” wouldn’t know anything about the death, or be capable of making a report.
The legal “person” only learns one thing, the “comply, or die” lesson of the municipal corporation.