CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., May 11, 2022 — Hamilton County, Tenn., continues in its role as delivery agent for experimental products that are proving increasingly harmful and lethal.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 96.9 FM
The self-reporting data portals are notoriously unreliable for under-suggesting the extent of the harm. Many hospitals and clinics refuse to file injury reports at the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, run by the FDA.
That site says that 51,600 have been permanently disabled, 27, 758 people have died, 39,992 cases of heart inflammation have occurred, among other harms. The actual counts are between 41x and 100x these filings, Steve Kirsch says. He is founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation.
Mass death exercise
Government indifference to the evils of lawless scorched-earth “lockdowns” and now to the harm of the fraudulent jabs persists, with the state-caused disaster pressed nearly into oblivion during mayoral and other political campaigns. Health department efforts to get more arms into which to inject the serum have gone flat.
➤ Voters reject Sabrena Smedley for county mayor in May 3 balloting. She was indifferent to making anything politically about 9 questions she had been asked to ask to local officials aboutCV-19. She did not obtain answers touching on the county’s involvement in the CV-19 fraud and the harm the health department has brought into Hamilton County. The 9 questions touch on whether the county has had its first harm, or its first death, from the more than 200,000 experimental shots given since December 2020.

Mrs. Smedley is chairman of the Hamilton County commission. She ignored the disaster of untested inoculations made by Pfizer and other companies. In debates she told how she was a victim of city and county “lockdowns,” just like all other inhabitants of the county. No county committee or office follows the consequences of the jabs test. She and the commission reject any suggestion they or the county corporation are liable for mass harm.
Hamilton County “crossed the milestone of having given over 200,000 doses of the COVID vaccine here in Hamilton County” as of Feb. 2, says administrator Sabrina Novak.” The department says there have been 1,000 Covid deaths, since the start of the pandemic. “Each one of these deaths was an individual; they were someone’s mother, father, sister, brother, or friend,” Mrs. Novak says. “Our deepest sympathies and condolences to all those who have lost loved ones; they leave a hole in our community that cannot be replaced. Grief is natural after such a loss and there are resources in the community that can help.”

The county directs people to the CDC for grief. But there is no place anyone can go for help from jab injury or harm. The county is acting in bad faith, in gross negligence, and at some point will be held liable by litigation and bankrupted for participating in civil fraud and official misconduct by Becky Barnes, the now-retired administrator of the department.
Despite of admissions of fraud in court, the county continues to say things such as, “The COVID-19 vaccines meet the same rigorous safety and effectiveness standards by the FDA as all other types of vaccines in the United States” and are “are very effective, especially in preventing severe illness, hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19.”
The department dangerously urges “pregnant people” to get the jab: “The COVID-19 vaccine is recommended for people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now or might become pregnant in the future,” as if the shot might aid in conception. But 4,593 miscarriages have been reported at the VAERS site run by FDA, with actual numbers likely to be between 188,313 deaths to 459,300 baby deaths, based on calculations by Steve Kirsch and others about underreporting.

‘Passed away suddenly’
Reports of people dying suddenly when otherwise in good health are becoming common, and pass without notice.
➤ Donald Stone, a high city official, recently perishes from unknown causes. Mr. Stone, the city’s deputy public works administrator, “died unexpectedly” Feb. 7. Mr. Stone “passed away unexpectedly last night,” Mayor Tim Kelly said, adding that he is “shocked and saddened that someone with such a big personality and heart for service could be lost to us so suddenly,” according to a report in Chattanoogan.com. Said Mr. Stone in an FB post, “I’m responsible for approximately 700 employees in six divisions including; Fleet, Parks, Wastewater Treatment, and maintenance services throughout the city. I’m also responsible for overseeing our department’s Operating and Capital budgets. Working with people to solve complex issues is what excites me about working in the public sector.”
The public sector Mr. Stone served — the executive branch led by Mayor Kelly — has been gung-ho on the Covid pandemic and an active promoter of the fraud and the big pharma products the erstwhile pandemic was created to sell.

➤ Former UTC basketball player Eric Dewayne Robertson, 28, of Knoxville ”passed away suddenly,” according to a death announcement in Chattanoogan.com, March 7 while playing basketball. At UTC he played basketball and got a bachelor’s in public administration and nonprofit management. He played professionally with the British team Leicester Riders while working toward a master’s degree in International Business. He resided in Knoxville with his wife, Jerica, and son, Luca.

➤ People perishing in the prime of life appears to be common, with no connection to the great disruption of CV-19 mass jabs that billions of people have taken. Ben Allen Mitchell, 36, of Nashville “passed away unexpectedly” Oct. 24. He had a degree in civil engineering from Tennessee Tech University and worked for Barge Design Solutions in Nashville on TDOT projects. No mention as to cause of death.
➤ Charles D. Hammontree Jr. is a widower because his wife, Maria Carolina Duarte Hammontree, an adjunct professor st Dalton State College who was eorking on a doctorate, “passed away unexpectedly” Oct. 21. Mrs. Hammontree was a native of Venezuela, and met her husband while studying in Chattanooga. She’d worked for Industrias Venoco, a major Venezuelan oil company almost 20 years. She’d been sent to the U.S. to study and earn a master of business administration.

➤ On Dec. 19, McCallie school grad Greer Brody, 25, “passed away suddenly” December 19, 2021. “His loves included his girlfriend, Cortney Cox, golf, running, biking, a neat Jameson and Michigan and UT sports. When he wasn’t doing one of these things, he was lounging about with his companion, Stella, enjoying all of the Marvel Movies.” A funeral and cremation parlor in Dunlap handled his burial.

➤ Miranda Lenea Sanders, 30, of Whitwell, Tennessee, “passed away suddenly” March 31, according to an announcement in Chattanoogan.com. Three children and her parents survived her.
➤ Christopher Garnett Dunn, 48, of Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., worked for Global Power Components, and “passed suddenly” Dec. 21. He was a grad of Ridgeland High School and “a diehard Georgia Bulldogs and Dallas Cowboys fan.” He and his “little wifey” Cheryl had four children — Brylee, Landree, Cade and Wesley.
➤The former News 12 meteorologist Clint Boone dies Feb. 5 after doing a Saturday night show on a TV station in Tulsa, Okla. According to Collins Parker on TV-12 in Chattanooga, Mr. Boone “died suddenly on the job” in Tulsa. “His daughter posted that he passed away just hours after completing his Saturday night show.”

➤ Career librarian Debbie Carver Sayne “passed away suddenly” Oct. 23. She’d been married 32 years, and had a son. “Debbie attended Johnson Bible College and graduated from the University of Tennessee Knoxville. She spent her entire career as an educator, retiring in 2020 as the librarian from East Hamilton Middle School. Debbie was an active member of Hickory Valley Christian Church, serving with the Hand Bell Choir and volunteered in numerous children’s ministries.”
➤ Sam’s Club associate and Chattanooga native Michael Alan Franklin, 30, of Rogers, Ark., “passed away suddenly” Feb. 6, 2022, a death notice says. He was the son of Steven and Katherine Franklin in Chattanooga and moved to Arkansas in 1995. He’d worked for Sam’s 10 years and was an avid outdoor enthusiast.