This morning I deliver a remonstrance to the offices of Hamilton County commission, whose members will meet 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday to hear my oral address and 10 demands to end the 564-day old CV-19 fraud.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio
Remonstrance is a forgotten political art in Tennessee, and I am bringing about its revival in Southeast Tennessee with this first one in many, many decades. In the 19th century remonstrance and address were common among the people and their government.
We are constitutionally guaranteed the right to address and remonstrate in the Tennessee bill of rights, article 23, that says,
That the citizens have a right, in a peaceable manner, to assemble together for their common good, to instruct their representatives, and to apply to those invested with the powers of government for redress of grievances, or other proper purposes, by address or remonstrance.

The demands are that the county obey the Tennessee code, that it end all propagandizing, deceit and lies about the PCR “test” which is intentionally misused and cannot make a diagnosis, that it halt the CV-19 shots immediately as mass harm. Thousands of residents, at the county’s urgings, have accepted the shot without being told about the risks and without giving informed consent, a jab against the Wuhan, China, virus, a U.S.-developed and funded bioweapon with little lethality for most people. The recovery rate is more than 99.5 percent.
County government has participated in a mass fraud, led by William Byron Lee, the governor, acting outside of his authority and office as governor as of March 12, 2020, when he illegally created a state of emergency without a non-fraudulent exigency or cause.
The state-based disaster breach of law is similar to a cop arresting a person without a warrant and without probable cause or articulable suspicion. No action is allowed without a cause; in the CV-19 disaster, the duty is to make a determination as to the cause or agent of contagion of the updated and improved coronavirus.
County government played along with this power grab and overthrow of constitutional government and the statute at T.C.A. 68-5-104, agreeing with and subsidizing and supporting its health department, led by administrator Becky Barnes, who, like the governor, absolutely rejects compliance with the statute.
The remonstrance identifies Gov. Lee and Mrs. Barnes (and her interim successor) as participants in fraud, gives notice of fraud, and insists that the county turn from being prodical, that it act good faith to begin accounting for what is called “vaccine adverse events,” or damage to life and limb from the experimental vaccines which inflame the body. The jabs cause microscopic and often lethal blood clots, death, heart enlargement, myocarditis, miscarriage and many other physical problems that have not yet clearly been brought to the public’s attention in Hamilton County.
The 109 remonstrants bring to the commission’s attention my lawsuit, which is in the court of appeals in Knoxville. The appeal seeks to undo the evil treatment my proper and lawful petition for writ of mandamus and equity received at the hand — for 201 days — of Hamilton County chancellor Pamela Fleenor, who sandbagged a case that by law must be resolved in days.
David’s brief presentation — live