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‘Sauron’ suit shifts to court in Nashville

Jerri Bryant, judge of McMinn County chancery court, top left photo, has ordered my lawsuit against David Gerregano, revenue commissioner, center, and Jeff Long, safety commissioner, to be transferred to Davidson County chancery court. The McMinn County courthouse, bottom photo, is in Athens, Tenn. (Photos state of Tennessee; court photo David Tulis)

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025 – The lawsuit State ex rel David Tullis vs. Jeff Long and David Geregano is being transferred to Davidson County Chancery court, where lawsuits against state commissioners are generally heard.

Patty Gaines is clerk & master of McMinn County chancery court

Judge Jerri Bryant of McMinn County chancery court issued an order directing that the cause be transferred, according to a clerk Lily Whiting serving clerk and masterPatty Gaines, indicating the clerk would get the case into the mail Friday.

I had called the clerk’s office and filed a motion with Chancellor Bryant to make sure that the record is complete. Miss Whiting indicates it is. I am intent that my response to a negative order by Hamilton County presiding judge Boyd Patterson be included. That response had been omitted when the Tennessee supreme court reviewed my complaint to see if it met the standards for review by the state’s new anti-corruption court.

This court, known as the three- judge panel, is deemed an inappropriate venue. The supreme court justices don’t think that my unprecedented anti-corruption project deals with any constitutional violation. My response shows numerous violations of constitutional guarantees. The suit is without precedent in state history. Public servants use their office to bring F$2 billion in free premiums to insurance companies that have a captive market. Their guaranteed revenues are thanks to the fraud run by defendants Jeff Long, commissioner of safety, and David Gerregano, commissioner of revenue.

Under color of the Tennessee financial responsibility law they run an extortion program launched in 2002, and perfected Jan.1, 2017, with the “Eye of Sauron” surveillance system called EIVS.

The litigation comes from hard-working commoners whom I call “the gnomes.” We’ve put hundreds of hours into studying this criminal enterprise approved by the media statewide and by the judicial department and the bar.

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