A bank teller is being charged with a felony fraud in the theft of F$47,000 from a Collegedale, Tenn., credit union, while a governor who defrauded an entire state population of 7 million people and wrecked their liberties is re-elected as a champion of conservative values and remains free from criminal or civil accusation.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio Network
It’s coming into Thanksgiving holiday and one task I hope to launch is a review of my options to appeal Tennessee court’s support of fraud, felony misconduct, breach of oath, industrial-scale harms that have taken already 102,800 Tennessee lives and generated more than 13,035 harms reports, or caused 1.3 million actual cases of injury or side effects from the untested DNA-altering jab.

The courts are not interested in my effort to hold Gov. Lee accountable for violating Tenn. Code Ann. § 68-5-104, the main infectious disease law. The law says what to do when an epidemic breaks out in a county.
The supreme court refuses to give my petition for a writ of certiorari and accept the case. Such writ would deliver the record from Knoxville’s court of appeals to the five justices in Nashville. The court accepts frivolous arguments about my standing to sue, lower courts claiming I suffered no harms from the dystopian “safer at home” emergency. It accepts admissions of crime by the respondents, namely that they admit violating the law — but they had reasons.
Gov. Lee is not under “any duty” to obey it. The local official is able to ignore the entirety of her duty in the exercise of discretion.
In the last sentence of its unsigned Oct. 19 rejection, the supremes say they decline “to deem the application for permission to appeal frivolous.” Well, that’s a minor consolation from a court that rejects equity, the rule of law and relief demanded in an entirely adequate and sufficient petition for equity an writ of mandamus.
Out on bond
As I ponder drafting a complaint to the supreme court of the U.S., Leilana Bearce is mulling a felony charge that she embezzled Collegedale Credit Union funds as teller. A customer first espied misdoings. The president of the co-op began an internal accounting, the police department says.
Between August 29 and Oct. 31, Miss Bearce allegedly took money out of various credit union member accounts and transferred dollars through her family members’ accounts before she would move them to her own.
Miss Bearce is out on bond and is expected to appear in the Collegedale Municipal Court on March 29, a court that has authority to hear municipal cases only under the city charter.
Miss Bearce under man’s laws and God’s law must make restitution and be held to account. No one thinks anything amiss in her being charged and facing a public hearing and trial.
The press’ refusal to report “both sides” of the so-called pandemic means that there is little reporting overall about the abrogation of the constitution in March 2020 unlike any previous misdeed by a governor and a state government. So there’s little awareness about the overthrow of government in the Great Reset.
Tennessee media has not reported deaths, jab harms and abuse of law. The people are ignorant of their plight. Miss Bearce is being held to account, reporting in the local press shows. Bill Lee isn’t. Becky Barnes, the other respondent in the case, isn’t, either. Mass harm, and no accounting. No sorrow, no qualms, no accusations by a DA, no police at the door. Small-fry alleged criminals are prosecuted. Big fish swim free.