CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Sunday, Feb. 27, 2022 — If there is a mayoral candidate with dirty hands it is Sabrena Smedley, a real estate agent who touts her eight years on the county commission as uniquely qualifying her.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 96.9 FM

Rival Weston Wamp serves only on a state committee dealing with universities, and candidate Matt Hullander has not held public office.
But Mrs. Smedley, chairman of the commission, participated in fraud of the Covid-19 purported pandemic. Despite many forms of notice, she ignored state law, cooperated with humiliating nonscientific “directives” on masks and social distancing, and accepted top-down abrogation of constitutional rights and nullification of a more or less free market economy leading Southeast Tennessee. And that violence was imposed by the county health department, serving county Mayor Jim Coppinger, over which she has influence as chairman of the county commission.
The notice came not only in extensive reporting on two of the city’s seven main media outlets, but in the way of a detailed remonstrance Sept. 30 to the commission signed by 105 people.

Mrs. Smedley has paid not the slightest mind to the real story of the Big Pharma global putsch against democratic institutions such as open courts, open churches, open schools and meetings open to the public.
It’s as if she were among the elite, not affected by government-caused abuses of the past two years, led perhaps by child abuse in schools and the ban in the county hospital authority of treatment of Covid-19 (except for lethal Remdesivir and ventilator care).
Alarming data mounts
Death and injury from the CV-19 jabs have come upon the people of the U.S. with full cooperation of public health authorities. The rejection of safety standards is without precedent in the history of the West, with agencies such as FDA and CDC fraudulently hiding and altering data, misrepresenting science and oppressing life-saving alternatives to DNA treatments.
According to analysis of death-certificate data from CDC by The Epoch Times, deaths among Americans 18 to 49 lept more than 40 percent in the year up to October 2021 compared to the same period in 2018–2019.

The FDA’s self-reporting VAERS website records a tiny fraction of the deaths caused by Pfizer, Moderna and J&J mRNA shots globally. The tally is 24,402 dead. That number could be an estimated 100 times greater because of underreporting, meaning local boards and the likes of the Hamilton County health department may have killed 2.44 million people. In Europe, Deaths were at 32,649 and adverse reactions at 3,003,296 as of December.

Across the U.S., county governments took part in the mass health inoculation tests under police power without a demonstrable exigency. It’s as if states and counties were a cop making an arrest of a citizen on a hunch, an opinion or a prejudice — without having a warrant, a probable cause, an “articulable suspicion” or a legal rationale or reason for the arrest. In American law, that is illegal and official misconduct to be allowed to occur.
I sued administrator Becky Barnes and Gov. Bill Lee Oct. 2, 2020, for violating the key communicable disease law at T.C.A. 68-5-104 and making a remonstrance upon the county with 100 other people 167 days ago Sept. 30, demanding a halt to the jabs program and a project of restitution and care for shot-injured people in a bid to ward off litigation over teenager myocarditis, blood clots, heart conditions, various forms of paralysis and other grievous and bizarre conditions that have appeared in the medical literature.
The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in the shots given by Becky Barnes and her replacement, Sabrina Novak, impose a harm on the human body, causing bleeding and clotting in the endothelium or lining of blood vessels. Contrary to early claims, the so-called antigenic material in the serum does not stay in the arm, but forces cells throughout the body to produce the dangerous spike protein.
As billions of cells begin producing the alien spike protein, the body’s immune defenses launch a massive counterattack against the spike generators and the afflicted areas of the body. This “hyperactive overreaction,” as Dr. Peter Breggin calls it, of the body is called a cytokine storm and can be lethal.
Mass casualty event one person at a time
Local stories of death-by-clot or death by heart attack are not easy to come by. But they arise from other places on the map.
➤ In Minneapolis, a 47-year-old Christian missionary and Nigerian immigrant is permanently disabled after getting the CV-19 shot.
Mrs. Jummai Nache received her second experimental Pfizer mRNA injection on February 1, according to a lengthy GoFundMe summary. She returned to work and immediately experienced chest pains. The discomfort and pain persisted until February 6 when her husband, Mr. Philip Nache, took her to the emergency room.
Doctors performed an electrocardiogram (EKG), but said nothing was wrong with her heart. Despite being “fully vaccinated,” doctors diagnosed Mrs. Nache with COVID-19. Mr. Nache called the diagnosis “shocking” since his wife exhibited no symptoms prior to receiving the second experimental mRNA injection. The hospital discharged Mrs. Nache with orders to follow CDC guidelines for COVID-19.
Mrs. Nache returned to the emergency room on February 13 when her condition worsened. She was transferred to the University of Minnesota Medical Center for further observation. Doctors placed her on a ventilator after discovering fatally-low oxygen levels and blood pressure. Her heart was also “deteriorating.”
Doctors told Mr. Nache that his wife could die at any moment. She was now battling arterial blood clots, ischemia and cardiomyopathy. Doctors removed the ventilator in due course. But Mrs. Nache required a bilateral transtibial amputation – both legs surgically removed below the knees.
(Source: TheCovidBlog.com)
➤ In New York, firefighter Jesse Gerhard suffers a “sudden medical episode” at his firehouse and dies hours later. Mr. Gerhard, 33, begin began his career with the New York Fire Department in 2014 as an emergency medical technician. On Feb. 16, Mr. Gerhard was working the night shift but collapsed at the fire station. Colleagues administered CPR. He went by ambulance to Saint John’s Episcopal hospital and died. News outlets said he had suffered from “a heart attack,” but backtracked and said the cause of death is unknown. The fire department union, which opposes compulsory vaccinations, is demanding answers.
Three firefighters have died on duty in New York since December. Another is Vincent Malveaux, 31, who had a “medical episode” during a training course.
Another is Joseph Maiello, 53, of Staten Island, found dead at a firehouse, said to have died of “heart disease.”
A union boss for firefighters says there is a vaccine concern: “That’s a significant amount of people in a very short time. The vaccine is a concern with our members because it is something new that is being put into our bodies. It could be a factor.”
➤ Elsewhere, cops are dying suddenly. Alameda County sheriff’s deputy Aubrey Phillips died. Fremont, Calif., cop Freddie Bobbitt Jr. “died unexpectedly” on Feb. 21, age 54, TheCovidBlog.com reports.
Firefighter and paramedicNick Ramirez died Feb. 16 “due to complications from Covid-19.” He was fully vaccinated, friend Mitch Mendler says. The jabs create immune deficiencies, and people die rom Covid-like conditions of flu.

➤ The Covidblog.com is reporting the case of a Australia boy, 12, whose mother contacted an Australian jab injuries Instagram page Feb. 22. She and a 16-year-old daughter received their first Moderna injections without issue. Since the 2 of them were fine, she anticipated school vaccine mandates and allowed her son to be injected with Moderna Dec. 4.
Eight days later he looked like this. According to this report, “Johns Hopkins University says that arathemia multiforme is simply another name for Stephen’s-Johnson syndrome. It also says the condition can be fatal. Slow, mentally and physically painful death, or fast, lights-out cardiac arrest stroke/blood clot death. “

➤ In New Jersey, Kristen Della Bella is a nursing student working at Hackensack Meridian Health. She’s engaged to get married to a police officer. She took the Moderna injection Jan. 13, 2021, required under terms of employment. She got a booster in February. She developed “uncontrollable itching” and hives on her arms and head Feb. 13. She went to an emergency room as the condition spread and was told it was “something she ate.” The condition spread to bumps and blotches over her face and hands and she described herself as “looking like a monster.” She was diagnosed with extreme multiforme. She said that doctors blamed the modern booster. Saying her case was the worst they had ever seen.

➤ In Scotland Sarah Beuckmann got an AstraZeneca shot March 18, 2021, and within a week found the tingling in her legs to develop into a rash “you only see in horror movies,” says TheCovidBlog.com. Mrs. Beuckmann, mother of one, was 16 days in the hospital but will have to have therapy for loss of strength in her legs. A nurse comes daily to change the dressing. Like many others who have been brainwashed, the jab victim says she is not “anti-vax” and believes people should get the shot because “the amount of people that have had it and have been okay shows that it is safe for most.”
➤ In Britain Jane Stroud got two AstraZeneca shots on July 19. Within a week her life became a living hell. She developed “‘itchy, watery, dripping rash’” as she described it. It swelled her legs and arms to the point that she could barely move them. It got so bad at the beginning of September that she went to her doctor at Stirchley Medical Practice in Telford. Medical personnel diagnosed Ms. Stroud with bullous pemphigoid, a rare, and sometimes fatal, autoimmune skin disease. It causes your immune system to attack healthy skin tissue. Doctors also confirmed that, in Ms. Stroud’s case, the disease was triggered by the AstraZeneca injections.”
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