By David Tulis I am driving from my house into Hixson. Furtively I glance left, I glance right. Afraid to be seen, I am hauling down the roadway in …
Same-sex couples line up for marriage licenses in Chattanooga.But a court opinion and fresh litigation are helping bring into view a return to an ancient standard: Marriage at common …
This week President Obama said that every military activity must consider the so-called global warming crisis. The brass is directed to “incorporate climate change impacts into plans and operations …
The man convicted by a jury on four criminal counts is Arthur Jay Hirsch, 65, a bachelor whose livelihood is helping church governments maintain the value of their physical …
By David Tulis Dr. Rick Hitchcock and other Chattanooga doctors are living out the local economy response to a bad case of constipation in the national economy. With ObamaCare …
City Council member Yusuf Hakeem explains why he has lost confidence in the mayor’s violence reduction program as Chattanooga city government views gang crime as a policy problem rather …
By David Tulis A court in Lawrence County, Tenn., will sentence a devout Christian working man Thursday (Feb. 11) for exercising his constitutional right to travel. Arthur Jay Hirsch …
Defense attorney Mike Little answers tough questions about criminal court, whether it can be just, why so many defendants are poor people and are there any “outs” in the …