Are sheriff’s law enforcement officers or conservators of the peace? Does the THP trooper have authority to halt private parties on the state’s highways? To what extent do police …
Question before me is whether cCity of Chattanooga has authority to enforce the motor vehicle statute Tennessee Code Ann.§ Title 55, and whether agents in its department of police …
It has been 666 days since I gave Sheriff Jim Hammond transportation administrative notice, intended to halt the operation of Jim-Crow policing that has been commonplace in Hamilton County …
Sir, you say Tenn. Code Ann. § Title 55-50-301 is a law that requires people on the road to obtain a driver license before putting foot on gas pedal …
The coming year is critical due to the threats from “Red Flag Laws,” one of the most flagrant violation of American liberties since the revolutionary war. By David Tulis …
A year ago I emailed the entire Tennessee General Assembly advising each of you that I would be filing a petition of remonstrance, a lawful and legal document, and …
County attorney Rheubin Taylor, in a one-sentence reply to a press inquiry, says “hose inquiries need to be addressed to the Sheriff Department.” The matter of rising interest among …