The “right to work” constitutional amendment is a scam. By John Gentry First, amendments to our beloved Tennessee Constitution are supposed to be “published” to the people. THE GENERAL …
Top judges in Tennessee are scurrying behind a reedy barricade of court rules that they say allows them to hide details about about lobbying the general assembly and conference …
Tennessee lawyers who are tapped or elected judge get “continuing education” and work on judicial “policy” in the Tennessee judicial conference, versions of which are held in cities around …
U.S.P.S. certified letter no. 7019 2970 0000 3531 8928 Hon. Roger A. Page Chief justice, Tennessee supreme court 401 Seventh Ave. N. Nashville, TN 37219 RE: Letter request for …
The people of Hamilton County, aggrieved at being defrauded by their elected representatives of honest government services and the duty of protection, remark that as they have a constitutionally …
David Tulis, a 24-year former newspaper copy editor, is the “blogger with the biggest pen, the smartest guy with a bow tie“ in Chattanooga, or so he says, here …
Two Oregon state senators – lesser magistrates – have put together a bombshell press briefing that everyone needs to read. They have filed a Grand Jury Petition to investigate and indict the CDC …
I am seeking signatures of Hamilton County residents for a remonstrance project that will be delivered to the Hamilton County, Tenn., commission Sept. 29 in an address, which will …