It’s been a month since I sent a letter to city attorney Wade Hinton asking him by what statutory authority city cops exercise state power and enforce title 39, …
Indignant citizens and a city council member Tuesday urge a change of heart in the city police department, which over the past two weeks has created an uproar over …
Police’s routine claims upon travelers are in evidence in a noisome arrest video posted by businesswoman Jayla Oattes showing the arrest of her mother at a gas station on …
Melydia Clewell, spokeswoman for Hamilton County, Tenn., district attorney Neal Pinkston, fires back at suggestions that his office is prosecuting the daughter of Avery Gray, arrested June 25 while a …
Dear Neal Pinkston, district attorney, Hamilton County — I’m writing about the limits of the statute under which your office plans to prosecute K*** Gray in her arrest June 25 by …
An uproar over a police officer’s dragging a girl from a parked car is rippling in a new direction as it appears that the repossession agent did not have …
The following is a letter of inquiry in a search for an attorney this week who understands the Tennessee transportation law and is willing to oppose false claims of …
Mayor John Roberts of Red Bank brushes off inquiries about abusive police tactics in the city in an interview with college student Allen DeBerry. Mr. DeBerry and this reporter …