A chase of a stolen vehicle ends in this crash deadly for three innocent people. (Photo DontayeCarter11Alive)
The violence of policing against local economy and free markets is evident on certain days when the news flow piles up and suggests to pliable minds the need to call for peacekeeping reforms that separate peacekeeping from the modern state.
By David Tulis / 92.7 NoogaRadio
Whether armed sieges or deadly car chases, police and sheriff’s departments in the South have made a strong impression these past days as regards their officers’ might and courage.
[This essay is originally published Feb. 2, 2016, but I repost today for your review. DJT]
➤ Necessity of a gunbattle. In Walker County, just south of Chattanooga, police reject steps that could have avoided bloodshed in an armed confrontation. Jose Alegre, 64, is slain just after midnight Saturday morning after police in military gear storm his residence in Rossville, Ga. Mr. Alegre had become angry at a propane service tech, Charles Ridge, and his son, Deacon, from whom he had ordered a service call. He threatens the two, fires at least one bullet at them, missing. SWAT arrives, Mr. Alegre barricades himself in his house on Sheila Gail Lane, refusing to negotiate or to come out. At 12:30 a.m., police fire tear gas through the windows. Mr. Alegre shoots at them, and about 1¼ hours later, more gunfire as officers storm the house. He shoots at the attackers, and they kill him.
➤ Violence against a woman. Two cops investigating an open door at a public school in Collegedale carefully enter the building the night of Jan. 11. All signs are that no burglar is about, but that a cleaning crew is busy at the facility. “Knowing the school had been burglarized in the past,” says a TV report, “they made entry through the open door and with firearms drawn to ‘tactically’ clear the building.
After seeing cleaning supplies, they thought it may be a janitor. The report said they ‘came upon a trashcan and some cleaning supplies outside a student restroom area and briefly discussed the potential presence of the school’s janitorial staff.’” They encounter Juana Raymundo, 36, wearing a ABM company T-shirt. The legal Guatemalan immigrant speaks no English, but the two cops have their pistols drawn. She ignores commands to stop, and runs down a hallway, breaks into a sprint. In a parking lot they shoot her with a stun gun, yelling at her, “Alto, Policia.”
Mrs. Raymundo is charged with evading arrest and has to post huge money — F$750 — to get out. Contacting her employer would quickly enough have told officers who’d fled and saved some thousands of volts that sent her writhing to the tarmac.
➤ Terrifying risks to public. Cops’ engaged in high-speed chases cause two deadly crashes three days apart in Atlanta. In one of them, a motorist fleeing police crashes into a car driven by Dorothy Smith Wright, 75, of Atlanta. Slain with her are a 12-year-old grandson Cameron Costner and 6-year-old Layla Partridge, both of Fayetteville, Ga.
After the stolen Chevy Suburban crashes into them just after 9 Sunday morning, the man behind the wheel flees and was focus of a manhunt. LaTaucha Harris, Mrs. Wright’s niece, says the family is speechless. “I don’t think we’ve really processed it. I can’t find words. *** I just can’t find words.”
More than just good relations
Community policing is a 20-year-old concept that seeks to mitigate the alienation and hostility engendered by violent tactics and bellicose fund-raising and fee skimming for municipal governments. Officials in Cleveland, Tenn., have created a unit to be involved in community relations outreach. It is hoped such efforts will nip anti-police thinking and rhetoric in the bud.
But public relations and putting Chattanooga’s Chief Fred Fletcher and other cops on Facebook and Twitter are not enough because they do not alter the military dynamic of modern policing.
Policing creates an occupational hazard for us civilians, by which I mean commercial government acts — in its police departments — as a state force of occupation. Police and their commercial operations are the mechanical unifying force imposed upon the organic life of peacetime human society and culture.
Police chases are highly risky for innocent members of the public. Officers give chase, lacking a sense of proportion between the dangers to innocent people and the goal of the race — solving a reported property crime of a publicly registered object, a motor vehicle. Is solving a property crime now worth risking death for passersby by an ostensible peace-keeper?
Policing often seems to be about policemen and their sense of honor and duty and less about general benefits to the public.
The cleaning woman chased and tased is equally remarkable and brutal. What if the officers had let her get away, given their strong suspicion she was the cleaning woman? A call to her employer would have settled matters. But no, they chase her and shoot her as if she were a criminal. She is a terrified immigrant who has had wicked experiences with cops her her old country, perhaps, with their fine uniforms, drawn guns and night-time protection to do as they please with lone women. The officers’ crying out they are police is not reason to stop, but to flee.
In the shootout with Mr. Allegre, battle fatigues are standard: Lace-up, combat-style boots; black, camouflage, or olive-colored pants and shirts, sometimes with “ninja-style” or balaclava hoods; Kevlar helmets and vests; gas masks, knee pads, gloves, communication devices, and boot knives; and military-grade weapons, such as the Heckler and Koch MP5 submachine gun, the preferred model of the U.S. Navy Seals. Other standard SWAT-team weaponry includes battering rams, ballistic shields, “flashbang” grenades, smoke grenades, pepper spray, and tear gas. Many squads are now ferried to raid sites by military-issue armored personnel carriers. Some units have helicopters. Others boast grenade launchers, tanks (with and without gun turrets), rappelling equipment, and bayonets (list from Radley Balko, Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America, 2006, p. 5).
The killing of Mr. Alegre takes place because his life is worth as little as the lives of the two men he had earlier threatened. He was careless and vile with his discharge of his gun, and so we will give him the same treatment. We will not outwait him, bluff him, trick him or cajole him into surrender, especially since we have made a commitment with SWAT to a military solution. We’ll try negotiations for six hours, and that’s it. No posting two cops outside while everyone else goes home to bed. No waiting for him to doze off, or to get hungry and have to order a pizza that we, properly garbed as a deliverypeople, bring to him. No waiting for daylight, when anxiety slackens, the mood changes, the defiance wears off. Instead, dynamic entry, a gunfight in a man’s home, and he gets what he deserves at the hands of the authorities.
Sources: “Grandmother, two children killed in police chase in Atlanta,” Jan. 31, 2016, http://www.wrcbtv.com/story/31102184/update-grandmother-two-children-killed-in-high-speed-police-chase-in-atlanta
Natalie Potts, “Police use Taser on middle school cleaning lady, mistaking her for burglar,” Feb. 1, 2016. http://www.wrcbtv.com/story/31112136/police-use-taser-on-middle-school-cleaning-lady-mistaking-her-for-burglar
Paul Leach, “Cleveland Police Department implements new community relations initiative,” Jan. 28, 2015, Chattanooga Times Free Press, timesfreepress.com.
Photo https://www.facebook.com/DontayeCarter11Alive/photos/pcb.704112809730459/704112596397147/?type=3&theater
Jose Alegre was my grandfather. He raised me. My whole family has mourned his death at the hands of the SWAT team. You clearly have no regard for the victim’s family. He was schizophrenic. Other tactics could have been used. They could have given him more time. I can’t believe anyone would talk about a dead person like this. Go to hell.
Jagger, your grandfather did not deserve death at the hands of the cops. My whole essay is a lament over treatment people get at the hands of the executive state and its military enforcers. The last paragraph of my piece suggests the rationale of his killers, and implicitly condemns it. I am against the killing of people who have done nothing worthy of capital punishment, and believe police should be disarmed for the benefit of public health, safety and welfare. Cops are a judgment of God against people who refuse to abide by the concepts of self-government under God’s law and in liberty under the Lord Jesus Christ.
I apologize for the profanity. It’s just that I have seen so many horrible comments on social media such as people telling me that the “worlds a better place without him,” good riddance, etc. without knowing the full story.
Jose Alegre was a good man that did not need to be killed. Shoot first, think later was their logic. I don’t know how they sleep at night knowing what they did.
He came to this country to get away from the communists that were taking their people’s guns away. And yet he was killed by his government trying to take his guns away. I knew my papa. He would have come out eventually.
Did you know they shot him 27 times? Overkill if you ask me.
I was kind of offended when I saw that you put that he “got what he deserved.” I still think about what they did to him everyday. He was very pro-2nd amendment. All you have to do is look at his Facebook for two minutes and you will see that.
He shot at the cops and that’s enough for it to be justified I know. But I know for a fact he wouldn’t have had to be murdered if they would have given him more time. He had a lot of mental illness. Bipolar schizophrenia. He was scarred for life from having to leave his home country because of the communists.
When they cut his power off he had the phone book open on the table trying to get the number to EPB. They murdered him in the same house I spent most of my childhood in. All I see is vulgar and disrespectful comments about him on the Facebook posts that the news put out. Never found out who the officers were that killed him either.
27 shots.
Jagger, I run 92.7 NoogaRadio and would like you to come on my program to talk about his slaying. My website and station are the sole platform in Chattanooga that rebukes police and deputies for slaying citizens who have done nothing worth of death.
See, for example, these enlightened essays on this website:
NoogaRadio 92.7 FM and Nooganomics.com have persisted in calling for de-escalation, disarmament and new controls on cops, and of late I have insisted that Tennessee law does not permit traffic stops of any person who is not involved in transportation (using roads for commerce or profit).
I am really sorry for your granddad, and appreciate your writing me back. These are sanctioned murders. Here’s the proper language:
Statutorily allowed, extra-judicial summary executions.
Please help me to bring attention to this grievous problem in our city and state, Jagger.
Respectfully yours,
I am Jose Alegre’s daughter. I was there for this entire event that led to the wrongful death of my father. My son, Jagger, has been corresponding with you in the above messages. I’d like for you to know the true story about what happened, because this is false. I read where you invited Jagger to discuss this. I’d like to set up a date and time to do so. I’ve sent you an email regarding this. Hopefully you get back to us, as my father deserves the truth to be told.