A great lassitude seems to afflict the residents of Chattanooga and keeps them from being angry about the abuse of noncriminal people, particularly women placed under arrest and either …
Pot luck beats soup kitchens as Christians develop personalistic, open and charity-oriented ideals of local economy, entrepreneuership and free market. How business and capitalism bring the poor into the …
A city that adopts a policy of obeying Tennessee law regarding transportation and police traffic stops will effectively be altering its morals. Chattanooga is out of compliance with state …
The civil cases files against outlaw Airbnb activists and homeowners illustrates how political government works against constitutional and respectful government. Illegal government is efficient; lawful government is hamstrung. Chip …
City council member Darrin Ledford pushes back against the implications of transportation administrative notice, worried that if people have liberty to travel freely, careless travelers will get away with …
Two petitioners at city council meeting asked for a citizens advisory board be created to supervise the police department and review cops’ activity in Chattanooga. Earlier in the …
UPL = unlicensed practice of law. It prevents Christian charity in the courts in TN because it forbids nonlawyers such as deacons from assisting and representing poor people facing …
A federal judge shot down Tennessee government’s deep state operation to revoke driver licenses of people who are unable to pay court debts, a case that highlighted an abusive …