Judge Pamela Fleenor is a member of the Christian church and is no higher than the lowest person in that body. Mrs. Fleenor, chancery court jurist, as a daughter …
Across the state, officials are seen with their ears pulled forward on account of their wearing chin diapers held to their noses and jaws by straps. By David Tulis …
A homeowner confronted by an Iowa city cop asks the right questions, and the public servant asserts a pretended authority against him to demand his “ID” as part of …
Becky Barnes, health administrator for Hamilton County, Tenn., today declines to file an answer at chancery court in the county courthouse. Her deadline was 4 p.m. to defend her …
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Nov. 2, 2020 — The Tennessee supreme court has accepted the filing of my petition for writ of mandamus to overturn the state of emergency as a …
An investigative reporter today argued before chancery court in Chattanooga that Gov. Bill Lee’s CV-19 shut down of the Tennessee economy violates the state health law and must be …
https://www.facebook.com/MCoudrey/videos/1468528336674552 Excellent overview of the Covid-19 so-called pandemic with doctors giving highlights of why masks don’t work, how lockdowns are in error and lawless, and how global mitigation controls …
The people of Tennessee are overdue a mechanism by which they might oust crooked judges who defy the constitution and run their courts in terms of pro-state presumptions. By …