Sympathy for memorial hospital nurses and techs being cashiered for their refusal to take an experimental jab draw more than 150 people today to a park in Chattanooga and to Memorial hospital itself.
The demonstrators are aggrieved that the management of the hospital corporation plans to fire hundreds of employees who faithfully served during the covid 19 “pandemic” that began March 2020.
Tamika Simmons is 25 years in nursing and works at Memorial in intermediate care. “I have been caring for Covid patients since it started. And I will not get the vaccine, and we should not be penalized for not taking the vaccine. No vaccine — no job? That’s ridiculous.”
“I filed for religious exemption,” says another Memorial nurse. “I haven’t heard anything yet.”
Marissa Kuntze, noting that the CV-19 jab wrecks the blood, gives a Christian analysis about blood. “I we take this shot now, and alter our blood, we are putting our stamp of approval on something that is evil. I’m a granma. Do we sit idly and do nothing while our children are growing up, and being poisoned by a shot that’s not truly a vaccine? *** It’s time or the church, more politicians, more doctors, more scientists to stand up for those who are on the frontline everyday fighting for our rights, but also fighting or our health.”
Mandating shots “is pure evil,” she says, and insists people begin to pray, and “get the stinkin’ thinking out and looking at the Bible for what it truly says.”
He didn’t show up to his ballgame that afternoon at 4 o’clock. His umpire friends got concerned. They called. They investigated. They found him the next morning, dead in his bed.
— don clemons
Another woman says this: “My name is Becky. My father is currently a patient at Memorial Hospital. He was ordered by his doctor 24-hour supervision. He is awaiting a life-saving surgery. Because he was not supervised — because the staff is so understaffed, he was put at risk. His surgery was postponed. The nurses are working overtime and doing the best they can. And this is not their fault.”
Among those present are Matt McFarlane, whose wife, Rachael, is fired by CSO, Chattanooga Symphony and Opera, for refusing to get the CV-19 shot. Mrs. McFarlane is expecting the couple’s fourth child, a son, and has had a case of CV-19, which gives lifetime immunity against all forms of coronavirus, according to Dr. Peter McCullough, a leading researcher and medical doctor seeking to restore medicine to its former integrity.
“Samantha Teter denied the reasonable accommodation,” Mr. McFarlane says. The CSO is awaiting the OSHA “emergency temporary standards,” he said, quoting an email from the organization.
Childhood friend dead in hours
Memorial apparently remains part of the charitable interests of the Roman Catholic church, originating from a group of nuns whose order was founded in 1812 with a “gentle legacy of caring.” The company’s website indicates the Catholic Health Initiatives still operates within the ideals of Sisters of Charity of Nazareth which, in 1997, joined in business with CHI.

A phone message left for Ronelle Sellers, the market director of marketing communications, is not immediately returned.
Don Clemons, of Sparta, Tenn., tells a story of a childhood friend, Paul, who was pressured by family members into getting the jab. “He took the shot Monday afternoon. He laid down to take a nap — that was not like Paul, he never took naps. And, he didn’t show up to his ballgame that afternoon at 4 o’clock. His umpire friends got concerned. They called. They investigated. They found him the next morning, dead in his bed.
“They determined his heart was twice the size of a normal human heart.” He had had a healthy life, and suffered no symptoms of enlarged heart beforehand.
Mr. Clemons believes “in the immunity God gave us.”
Time to fight