Jets dump coal fly ash over Nashville in U.S. military program modifying weather, a program at least 50 years old (Photo Doug Diamond)

Deliberate air pollution by a U.S. military weather management program, as here over Knoxville, Tenn., is targeted by concerned state legislators. (Photo Marla Stair-Wood)

Jet sky stripes dim the sun over central Pennsylvania. (Photo David Mace / Geoengineeringwatch.org)

Tennessee’s general assembly is targeting official pollution like this dumped over Redding, Calif. (Photo Jovyde Wigington)
HB2063 / SB2691 which look to ban geoengineering and forms of weather modification such as solar radiation modification (SRM),passed the House floor April 1 despite attempts from the media and Democrats to thwart the effort.
By Danielle Goodrich / Tennessee Conservative
The legacy media first attacked the legislation as conspiracy theory, then as growing evidence was presented and became difficult to refute, they seemed to have pivoted to a different approach, now claiming that some forms of geo-engineering are useful.
That is quite the pivot. From saying something doesn’t exist, to saying it might be helpful.
The Tennessean, a left-leaning news outlet, ran an article titled, “Tennessee Senate passes bill based on ‘chemtrails’ conspiracy theory: What to know”
The article states, “The bill claims it is “documented the federal government or other entities acting on the federal government’s behalf or at the federal government’s request may conduct geoengineering experiments by intentionally dispersing chemicals into the atmosphere, and those activities may occur within the State of Tennessee,” according to the bill.
However, the federal documents do exist and they were presented in the multiple General Assembly hearings on this legislation, had The Tennessean done actual reporting and covered the hearing they couldn’t pretend the documents didn’t exist any more than they could claim that geoengineering doesn’t exist.
The White House document titled Congressionally Mandated Research Plan and Initial Research Governance Framework Related to Solar Radiation Modification was pointed to as the cause of a sense of urgency to enter legislation establishing a governance framework for geoengineering and forms of weather modification like SRM (solar radiation modification), SAI (stratospheric aerosol injection) and other aerosol injection practices in Tennessee as well as in seven other states.
Neighboring state Kentucky introduced HB506, and SB217. Rhode Island introduced The Clean Air Preservation Act. New Hampshire entered The Clean Atmosphere Preservation Act. Illinois entered a Weather Modification Act. South Dakota entered its own legislation. Minnesota introduced SF 4630 and HF4687 and Connecticut entered SB302.
Rep. Monty Fritts (R-D32-Kingston) carried the legislation in the House and Senator Steve Southerland (R-D9-Morristown) carried it in the Senate.
A similar denial of the evidence happened during the hearings with Justin Jones (D-D52-Nashville) in the first hearing saying that he had looked into it and thought it was conspiracy theory.
Rep. Fritts countered telling Jones that had he read the White House documents given to the committee, he would know it is true.
Jeff Childers’ Coffee & Covid newsletter critiqued The Tennessean article stating, “The goofy Tennessean article first claimed that “contrails” were just a conspiracy theory. Then it linked to a ‘fact check’ concluding that “contrails” exist but aren’t used for climate change control. Then it said, even if they are used for climate control, nobody is doing it yet.”

Jets foul up the skies over Soddy-Daisy, Tenn. (Photo David Tulis)
Childers goes on to point out “Again, the actual bill says nothing about contrails.”
He then goes on to compare what The Tennessee Conservative had to say about the legislation, “On the other hand, the much more detailed Tennessee Conservative article cited countless state, federal, and international sources saying exactly what the bill does attempt to ban: spraying stuff in the air to block the sun, which has to be the stupidest idea anyone ever came up with…”
Childers proceeds to make a great point, “The most amusing thing about the Tennessee bill is how well it boxes in and shuts up corporate media carpers. After all, if nobody is spraying chemicals into the atmosphere, then the Tennessee bill can’t hurt anything. It would be like banning flying carpets. Who cares? In other words, to complain about conservatives destroying the climate by banning geoengineering, they first must admit that geoengineering is real. Haha! That they cannot do. This raises some interesting possibilities. It could be a whole new strategy for conservatives: Banning things that democrats claim don’t exist. Like, let’s criminalize use of any drug that enters the cell’s nucleus or integrates into cell DNA. Or make it a felony for government public health officials to misinform the public. Make abortion after birth murder again. What other things can you think of that democrats don’t believe in that it would be good for conservatives to ban?”
Dr. Denise Sibley, testified in support of the legislation entering the White House document and also Tennessee Code which mentions “weather modification.” “Tenn. Code Ann. § 58-2-116 58-2-116 as supporting documents.
Read more at Tennessee Conservative
Danielle Goodrich works with Tennessee Stands – Tri-Cities Coalition.