This is an excellent video with many foreign voices that has not had the attention it deserves. There is indisputable evidence presented in this short documentary including proof that the military is purchasing huge quantities of barium and then trying to cover up this fact. “We are all caught in a circus of total insanity,” says U.S. chemtrail expert and critic, environmentalist Dane Wigington of
David adds photos of May 19, 2014, sky striping over Chattanooga
Many jets flew over Chattanooga today, laying white clouds that morphed into haze. The haze serves the purpose of deflecting sunlight from the surface of the planet, as it is thought that factories, highways and human life are warming up the planet with sufficient speed so as to make it unlivable. Geoengineering is more popularly called chemtrailing, and is a form of officially sanctioned pollution, injecting into the air aluminum in nanoparticle sizes and other elements. It blots out the sun, and sometimes pattern are laid down over solar farms. (On Map, click man on ground for a panoramic view.)

I suggest that when you see a sky like this after hours of federal overflights, that you be satisfied. The sun is reduced, the planet is allowed to cool (or so the theory goes), and we are saved.

This bird is visible through my EPB parking lot light pole in Soddy-Daisy at 7:15 p.m., May 19, 2014. I feel better now.

A federal deposit dissipates after a Soddy-Daisy flyover May 19, 2014, a day of afternoon chemtrailing over Chattanooga.

These white stripes are mere contrails, many people insist — water vapor turned into condensation after being rushed through a hot jet engine.

Chattanooga is the beneficiary of a little-known geoengineering program May 19, 2014. Here, workmen atop a McDonald’s restaurant in Hixson are overshadowed by a jet cloud that has spread into the wind.

This photo duplicates the one just above, but attempts to show many traces of jet-borne deposits of aerosols intended to keep a great evil — unmitigated sunlight — from reaching the earth’s surface where we live, breathe and have our being.

This flyover was the only one I saw Sunday, May 18, 2014. I snapped this shot while taking a walk with my elderly mother at the Soddy-Daisy walking track.