This officer in Jackson, Tenn., is part of state and local government war on private movement and travel. (Photo Jacksonville police department)

Danny Murphy of Jackson, Tenn., cooks for neighbors in regular get togethers in which the patriotic American traveler loves to participate. (Photo Danny Murphy)
Jackson, Tenn., resident Danny Murphy is asking for a hearing from Tennessee department of safety and homeland security regarding his “suspended” driver license No. 122616312.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio Network
“I have discovered,” he intones, ” that I have been involuntarily inducted into your system of records. If you have a source showing my permission for you to use my personal identification information please provide a copy of that to me. Otherwise, please remove all my personal identification information from your system of records and provide me with a statement of confirmation that you have done so along with a list of all sources to which you have ever transmitted any of my personal identification information.”
Mr. Murphy, a former Texan who travels in a car and who has faced criminal prosecution for doing so, demands in the alternative an administrative hearing “to discuss the issues related to the suspensions of the driver license. *** Not being a genuine licensee, I was never provided notice that any such actions were taking place and given an opportunity to have a hearing at that time. Additionally, there appears to have been a presumption that I am a citizen of the United States.”
Mr. Murphy offers another sticking point that a local judge indicated he could not fathom.
“I am an organic citizen of Tennessee and a not a citizen of the United States. According to terminology in current use by the United States Department of State found at 8 USC § 1101(a)(21) ―(22) I am considered a ‘national’ or a ‘national of the United States.” According to your rules, I am not qualified to even make application for a driver license.”
Plague of fraudulent procedure
Mr. Murphy is one of thousands of people who have been “assigned” a driver license number that DOSHS revokes instantly, creating a criminal charge cloud to hang over the man’s head until his next counter with cop or deputy. Ed Soloe of Alcoa and Arthur J. Hirsch of Lawrenceburg — both in Tennessee — have faced criminal charges for “driving on suspended or revoked.” Neither filled out paperwork nor signed their names to obtain the privilege reflected in the driver license. No statute allows the safety department to operate this oppressive workaround giving cops pretended legal access upon non-privilege travelers on the road.