CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Jan. 14, 2023 — In prosecuting our case against Tennessee’s lawless governor, Bill Lee, I often refer to myself as the defender of Tennessee’s concentration camp law.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio Network
This remark is partly humorous. But it’s true. Our mandamus case seek to control in the future the operation of the doors swinging open and closed into the state concentration camp visitor and welcome area.
These camps exist as a matter of law, and can be made to spring up on word of the governor’s commissioner of health. The commissioner can “maintain one (1) or more detention facilities as the commissioner deems appropriate” to “sufficiently confine all persons who refuse to be examined, treated, isolated or quarantined” Tenn. Code Ann. § 68-9-205. Detention facilities. The commissioner shall by or lease land and “select suitable localities” for
quarantine stations, and may erect necessary temporary buildings for the disinfection of passengers, baggage, cargo and other matter believed to convey the contagious principle of cholera, yellow fever, smallpox and other epidemic diseases, and may enforce the transshipment of passengers *** . Tenn. Code Ann. § 68-1-202. Quarantine stations
Our lawsuit in favor of the proper and lawful use of Tennessee concentration camp authority was sandbagged 747 days in state courts before being projectile vomited away from the front door of the Tennessee supreme court. In a burst of anger, it refused to hear the case after I made repeat demands of disqualification and recusal of judges who are party to the lawsuit as judicial aides de camp of Gov. Lee and his lawyers.
Why the hinge matters
The hinges of the camp gates are important. Will it be a proper — and thus precise, limited — operation of law that puts people through the open barbed wire-topped gate into the camp the next time? Or will citizens, travelers and others be shanghaied into the barracks and drab dorms by whim, personal opinion, ad hoc policy? Or, as we say in our petition for writ of certiorari, will people land in this hellhole based on exercise of police power without a nonfraudulent exigency or legal basis?
My petition going to U.S. supreme court in Washington seeks to review Tennessee’s courts and their rejection of law and the entire concept of equity. The courts have violated many federal constitutional rights by refusing me due process and remedy, as I am guaranteed in both state and federal constitution. They beat me up in court as badly as they beat me up with their penal colony economic shutdown in 2020.
In days prior to putting my taped-up whiskey box into the certified U.S. mails, I’m reviewing a draft that has had the help of two men. A great ally is a legal gnome and law history expert who does research for Jefferson Mining District in Oregon. His name is Hal Anthony, a man who cannot be reached by phone or mail, but only through email. By “private number” he calls me. He produces every Sunday afternoon at 3 a two-hour broadcast at Reallibertymedia.com. He has given hundreds of hours without any kind of payment — except that of being right.
Our case is unlike any other case that has been filed in the CV-19 fraud, thanks to Mr. Anthony. Our analysis is down to the bedrock, and shows how the real law really operates, and how our protections are real. We have firm footing, but only 1 in 100 chance of getting heard by the Scotus justices.
We are working to stop a war being made by governments against the people of the United States, promising us another 20 to 50 years of biosecurity terrorism by government agency an tyranny by proxy.

I also am being aided by Brent Allan Winters, a common law expert. Mr. Winters is a geologist and student of the Bible and law, and a practicing attorney in Indiana. He began looking at my final version of my petition for writ of certiorari Friday.
On Tuesday I scrapped a 30-page draft as so bad it could not be fixed. A fresh start has helped me, with the rewrite being sharply focused and shorter. The current document has an 11-page statement of the case, half of what it was.
The rules require I submit 10 copies of the petition plus an original to the court. Each is led by an affidavit, and is joined by a 100-page index of the orders and rulings against me. As a nearby photo shows, the case has produce much writing. I let slip no opportunity to object. The conflict has generated one published opinion, cited as follows:
State ex rel. Tulis v. Lee, No. E202100436COAR3CV, 2022 WL 1612844 (Tenn. Ct. App. May 23, 2022), appeal denied (Oct. 20, 2022).
The big issue
My case is overshadowed really by recent developments in the Covid-19 state of disaster.
And that is that the pandemic is a military operation, a project of the Department of Defense. The people reporting the Warp Speed background are not at major news outlets such as the Washington Post or CNN.
They are independent journalists and writers, the two who have gotten my attention on Substack.com. One is Catherine Watt who lives in College Station, Pa., and runs Bailiwick News. She has a paralegal background. The other is Sasha Latypova, who worked 25 years in the vaccine and testing industry and broke her story on Dr. Peter McCullough’s podcast.
We have been since December 2020 under a military deployment of a weapon. The fact that we are dealing with weapons and not medical products explains why federal watchdogs and even state departments of health have been so inept and indifferent to the mass harm among members of the population.
They have no authority to stop anything whatsoever, with federal law and regulation co-opting any good intent they might have in them. The death toll is unreported in all Tennessee press except for my two (this website and the NoogaRadio Network).

Tennessee has had 104,400 deaths and 1.32 million reported injuries from the jab. This information is from VAERS, the vaccine adverse event reporting system. A growing body of literature is explaining the nature of this military act against the people of the country. An early production is Robert of Kennedy’s opus, The Real Anthony Fauci. I read it carefully in January 2022. More recently there’s Dr. McCullough’s book. THE COURAGE TO FACE COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, that came out in May.
Just out in December, Ed Dowd’s “Cause Unknown”: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022.
To avoid laying too much type on your screen let me refer you to 2 links about the military operation in which respondent Bill Lee and local official Becky Barnes participated, in fraud and felony official misconduct.
➤ “Funding the Control Grid Part 1: The Biomedical Framework,” Coreysdigs.com
➤ “American Domestic Bioterrorism Program,” Katherine Watt, Bailiwick News. https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/american-domestic-bioterrorism-program
➤ “Evidence of the Conspiracy To Commit Mass Murder by the DOD, HHS – Sasha Latypova,” bringing into view the work of this Ukraine-born insider in the pharma testing world.
Please support me. Send a check payable to David Tulis at 4706 Hixson Pike, ℅ NoogaRadio, 4706 Hixson Pike, Suite D, Chattanooga 37343. Crowdfunding at https://www.gofundme.com/f/liberty-for-tennessee