‘Workforce development’ = contract tracing for labor as elites gain via blockchain data mining

Political and financial elites in Chattanooga are bringing “smart city” technology into play using federal transportation law and federal funding of EPB, the electric power board, that give the city its Gig City claim. (Photo David Tulis)

Tennessee is one of the worst states in the U.S. for government ownership of trades and occupations via licensing and privilege regimes. Chattanooga is one of Klaus Schwab’s two American G20 cities, or a test city for his ideological claims. The other is San Jose, Calif.

In the 4IR experiment that is running into increasing resistance, people are viewed as human resources managed in digital and data constructs that measure the totality of each worker to make sure he is giving to society as much as he presumably takes. In Chattanooga, communitarian overseers in the chamber of commerce and private organizations are working on key ideas. Workforce development and economic development.

These concepts are not labor in a free market. They are the fruit of digital and organizational management by elites in the construct of inclusive capitalism, as it is called. It’s worth the trouble to see how big tech and datamining are key to “workforce development” in Chattanooga and other cities favored by the communitarian elites.

By Julianne Romanello

TULSA, Okla, July 26, 2022 — Some states will back down on their requirements for medical modifications and portable digital proofs thereof. BUT these same states will set up DIGITAL IDENTITY through BLOCKCHAIN-BASED SKILLS TRACKING. Either way, the goal is the same : for every individual to have a unique digital identifier. 

Education and Workforce Development are the “Red State” versions of the CommonPass. Since the economy has been demolished, we must “build back better” by ensuring that everyone has the SKILLS necessary to compete in the 21st century global economy. Skills have to be verified — on a trusted global platform.

People will be so desperate for work that they will rush to set up their portable digital identity profile so that they can easily share their qualifications for some menial job or gig work. It will operate in the same way as the medical passports, but it doesn’t sound quite so sinister – after all people want to demonstrate their credentials and employers want (the AI) to select candidates who are skills- and mission-aligned with the open position. It’s just like requiring this or that to prove that one isn’t a public safety risk, but here it’s to prove that one IS a human capital asset (vs. a liability).

Or think of it like contact tracing — all skills, choices, lessons, etc received via web or captured through “experiences” with the Internet of Things – will be written to your PERMANENT DIGITAL LEDGER in order to prove that you are WORTH the community resources you consume. 

Digital Identity will be a tool for managing poverty and preventing “unrest.” Like an ankle bracelet.

The World Eating Forum has many new articles on digital identity, human capital, skills-tracking, and the Jobs Reset. Click through the many links and see what we’re up against.


“Making skills the currency of the labour market offers great benefits for individuals, businesses and governments including increased opportunities and access to the labour market; better signalling of job fit; and improved organizational agility.

By providing a platform for collaboration, the SkillsLink Alliance enables changes in policies and practices that can lead to greater efficiency and diversity and promote lifelong learning.

The founding partners of this initiative are: Amazon Web Services, BMO Financial Group, BigSpring, Boeing, Contextere, Coursera, EdX, Edraak, Grow with Google, Infosys, Kaplan, LinkedIn Learning, OpenClassrooms, SAP, Tata Steel, Udacity, WorldQuant University and Zurich Insurance Group. 

A holistic and integrated approach to skills

The initiative originates from the World Economic Forum’s New Economy and Society Platform, which is focused on building prosperous, inclusive and just economies and societies.” 


6 Pathways to BBB: 



Common Language for skills (aka Common Core on steroids!): 

Building a Common Language for Skills at Work: A Global Taxonomy provides a framework for aligning around a universal language for skills. It synthesizes and builds on existing taxonomies by integrating definitions and categorizations of skills that we know to be of growing relevance in a fast-changing labour market. It consists of both an interactive taxonomy with definitions as well as recommendations for adoption and use cases.



The areas outlined above must be complemented by a sixth aspect – hardwiring equity, diversity and inclusion into how new markets are built, how reskilling and upskilling is done, how education systems are reformed and how the care economy is built. Without such a proactive approach to embedding equity, there is a risk of further polarization by race, gender, economic status or other forms of difference. Policy-makers must embed equity into economic reform.

Business also has a crucial role to play in this area, through their workforces, their communities, their products and services and through their advertising and marketing. In the last years, there has been a fundamental shift in how businesses are investing in the green agenda. A similar movement is now starting on the social agenda as it becomes clear that workers and consumers expect business to define an equivalent to “net zero” in the social space. Over the last year investments in social bonds have tripled, with rising inequality and social unrest – as well as a recognition of the new opportunities for investment in the S of ESG. This new holistic agenda is fundamental to building back broader.



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