LITTLE ROCK, Ark, Jan. 15, 2021 — This morning seven peaceful Christians were arrested at the surgical baby-killing facility, Little Rock’s Family Planning Services.
By Pastor Dave Hughey / Geyer Springs Baptist Church
They conducted a peaceful rescue, the historic Christian action of interposition where they placed themselves in harms way to save innocent lives.
According to the Arkansas constitution murdering pre-born children is illegal in our state. The peaceful rescuers were upholding the law and were, therefore, unjustly arrested.
Those unjustly arrested are:

1. A 15-year-old girl
2. Her father, who is a father of 13 children, a foreign missionary, and a small business owner
3. An occupational therapist
4. A US Air Force veteran who is also a retired police officer
5. A Christian evangelist and foreign missionary
6. A grandmother who has rescued and adopted 10 orphans from the Ukraine
7. An 85-year-old communist concentration camp survivor who knows exactly how it feels to be classified as a non-person. Eva Adel is her name.
The rescuers blocked the door as much as 30 minutes, Cal Zastrow says. Police in as many as 12 cruisers came to “arrest us and walk us off the property,” Mr. Zastrow says.
“So, when the moms came, they were not able to get in. They had to see us, hear us singing, and offering help to them. That’s what they saw.”
Demonstrators who were not risking arrest at the clinic in a cul de sac said several cars approached, but those behind the wheel turned around and did not enter the parking lot.
“We don’t know of any confirmed ‘saves.’ But there were many turnaways and drive aways — we know there were those.”
The arrestees were treated “very professionally, very respectfully,” and were in custody two hours, charged with criminal trespass. No one got a copy of the citation. No one got a charging instrument.
Are these people criminals? Absolutely not. They are peacemakers. According to God‘s law and our state constitution, the people murdering innocent babies are the criminals. Arkansas is the most pro-life state in the nation. We need to forget about Roe v. Wade and follow the dictates of our own laws and conscience.
Those of you who heard the message at Geyer Springs this past Sunday would want to know that our guest speaker was one of those arrested. Please pray for him and the others. Pray for their legal needs and thank God for their courage and their willingness to make personal sacrifice in order to save innocent lives.
Mr. Zastrow doesn’t know whether there might be federal charges against the seven for intervening in violation of protection of baby killing centers.

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