Michael James of Park Drive, Chattanooga, is not letting himself rest with the dismissal of a bogus criminal case against him brought there by Chattanooga police and the DA Neal Pinkston. He is demanding redress and an investigation of police procedures that are part of a pattern of lawless search and seizure at the hand of the department led by chief David Roddy. A police victim of zest and intelligence, Mr. James wants to benefit other people by the insights given him in a 140-plus-day ordeal in which he was falsely charged with assault — and actually booked and jailed without probable cause. He is demanding reform and a halt to surplus violence and criminality in the city’s executive branch. Here’s the letter he sent to Mayor Berke. — DJT
‘Perjured himself’ 3x
Dear Mayor Berke,
I’m writing you in regards to my “FALSE ARREST” and KIDNAPPING” of May 6, 2020, by Chattanooga Police Officer Lance Hughes # 826, with him “KNOWINGLY and INTENTIONALLY” filing a ‘PERJURED FALSIFIED” “Affidavit of Complaint” with a Clerk of the Court, intentionally AVOIDING the Magistrate because he could NOT justify himself in arresting me.

I believe, this Officer should be “EXAMINED and FIRED” for the 120-day Ordeal which he put me through. He had, “NO AUTHORITY” to put even a hand on me, until he had a “SWORN and SIGNED STATEMENT” by my alleged accuser, a QUESTIONABLE 14 year old girl in a “STOLEN CAR” with “NO VALID DRIVER LICENSE or CAR INSURANCE”.
Mayor Berke, this officer “Perjured Himself” at least 3 times in his “False Affidavit of Complaint” with “LIES and DECEPTION, WHILE UNDER THE COLOR OF LAW”. Trying to biasedly incriminate me with 2 Felony Aggravated Assault Charges, which I can DEMONSTRATE and SHOW.
The Honorable Judge Gerald Webb, summarily dismissed these “False Charges”, but not until the fourth hearing after I drafted a “Motion to Dismiss” and a “Brief in Support”, showing the VIOLATION of my “Due Process Rights and Constitutional and Civil Rights, by your officers. The officers and County Chief Magistrate Lorrie Miller agreed to “PRETEND” there was probable cause to arrest me, when there WASN’T. My Brief, enclosed, explains that with “NO SWORN or SIGNED STATEMENT”, there is NO CASE. Officer Hughes’ “Affidavit of Complaint” is HEARSAY, as he was not a WITNESS.
‘System of prearranged crimes against citizens’
That he, KNOWINGLY and INTENTIONALLY FALSELY arrested me, by apparent ILLEGAL “Customs and Usages”, appears to be a System of Prearranged Crimes against the Citizens of this great State and Residents of this city.
The EVIDENCE for my Claim is OVERWHELMING in my Notarized Affidavit, Motion to Dismiss and my “Brief in Support of Motion to Dismiss.” Once I obtain, the Officer’s Patrol Car Dashcam Videos and Body Camera Videos of the five officers involved, in what the Press has called the “911 Call from Hell” story.
I request, a meeting with you IMMEDIATELY and upon my showing you the EVIDENCE of my Due Process Rights, Constitutional and Civil Rights being Violated by Officers Lance Hughes # 826 and Officer Amanda Baldwin # 374 whom she ILLEGALLY went into my Locked Trunk of my car, WITHOUT an AUTHORIZED JUDICIAL SEARCH WARRANT or my CONSENT. She was one of the 1st C.P.D. employee on the scene of my FALSE ARREST, WITHOUT PROBABLE CAUSE.
Thank You, for your Time and Consideration in this important matter, etc.

Yeah, I copied and pasted this. But, I have also lived it so that I could come to know it as truth.
U.S. citizens are not “Citizens” at all, but subjects and property of the District of Columbia, residents and franchisees of the bankrupt federal United States government corporation organized under municipal law.
You will discover that the Constitution for the united states of America and the Bill of Rights does not apply to “U.S. citizens.” U.S. citizens are subjects and property governed under “statutory,” Admiralty and Maritime law, Military and Martial law under the undisclosed presumption of an international contract.
Which is Constructive-fraud, in regard to “the People” (the holders of ALL Lawful Authority)
U.S. citizens have no constitutional protections or unalienable rights, only privileges and “rights” granted by the corporation. Legal “persons,” born or naturalized in the federal United States were created exclusively by the 14th Amendment after the Civil War.
The 14th Amendment was never lawfully ratified. (not that it makes any difference, since YOU are the only one having Lawful Authority to determine whether or not YOU are “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”. Jurisdiction can not be presumed.
Your vote (since you can only vote as a “resident”) is purely advisory and does not directly elect, affect or create public law (because “residents” have no standing at Law). Your vote obligates you to pay Municipal, County and State bonds through property taxes (“residents” are mere tenants).
If your vote ever really changed anything, it would’ve been illegal a long time ago.
The gold-fringed Admiralty and Military flag, not the American flag, flies in the President’s oval office and in most of the so-called “courts” in this country. U.S. citizens are legally “disabled,” “wards of the State,” “tenants”, considered and taken as incompetent children incapable of making their
own decisions, acting judicially or in any sovereign capacity.
We the People must reclaim our power of attorney to act judicially in our sovereign capacity, and stop the government from acting on our behalf without our consent. We the People must reclaim the American system of law and restore our unalienable sovereign rights.
We the People have the unilateral power of declaration by affidavit and legal notice, the unlimited power and right to contract and to organize our affairs with little or no government involvement.
We the People have the power to form grand juries (since we are the jury, and the legislature) to prosecute public officials who are violating our unalienable established by Declaration, and constitutionally-protected rights under “color of law” through Title 42, §§§1983, 1985, 1986 OR Title 18, §§241, 242 actions.