The talcum-like aerosols sprayed in the sky over Soddy-Daisy on Tuesday dissolve and create cloud cover. But the micron-sized specks fall to the earth, bringing aluminium and other nondigestibles to unprotected human beings on the ground. (Photo David Tulis)

This view greets me Tuesday as I look out my bedroom window in Soddy-Daisy, looking eastward. (Photo David Tulis)

Evening over Life Care Center of Hixson in Chattanooga in a day of solar radiation management. “The health implications of the pervasive aerial spraying of coal fly ash in the troposphere, mixing with the air we breathe, has not been disclosed to the public by the responsible parties doing the spraying,” says scientist Dr. Marvin Herndon of San Diego. (Photo David Tulis)

Sky striping jets divide the blue with white, and saw through a patch of cloud. “Whereas a portion of sunlight is reflected by aerial coal fly ash,” a scientific paper says, “another portion is absorbed and thus acts to heat the atmosphere. Furthermore, aerosolized coal fly ash blocks the loss of heat from the Earth in the same way as natural clouds and greenhouse gases do.” (Photo David Tulis)
Chattanooga on Tuesday was stricken for the sixth time this month with aerial emissions from U.S. aircraft.
The treatment began at sunrise east of the city, and continued most of the day. By evening time, the sky was overcast with a haze or smog enmixed with faded streaks.
By David Tulis
But the high atmosphere was marked by the haze that is the normal fruit of aerial injections of coal fly ash.
The city was treated April 9, 10, 11, 15 and 18. Today is April 19, and it is the sixth day of emissions in the American government’s war against global warming.
Look for yourself through the BloomSky app run by AM 1240 Hot News Talk Radio. https://map.bloomsky.com/weather-stations/eaB1rJytnpS5mKqi
The effect is a dimming of the sun. The sun peeks weakly through the cloud cover and regular high-level smoke created by tons of talcum powder-like micron-sized material that is the waste of coal burning in electricity plants.
A science website reported today that a bill before the U.S. congress would fund study of making the planet more reflective of sunlight. “Budgetmakers in the U.S. Senate want the Department of Energy (DOE) to study the possibility of making Earth reflect more sunlight into space to fight global warming,” according to Science.com. “Earth’s reflectivity is known as its albedo, and the request to study ‘albedo modification’ comes in the details of a proposed spending bill passed by the Senate appropriations committee to fund DOE, the Army Corps of Engineers, and related agencies for fiscal year 2017, which begins 1 October. The bill does not specify how much money should be spent on the research.
“Critics argue that albedo modification and other ‘geoengineering’ schemes are risky and would discourage nations from trying to reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide, the heat-trapping gas that comes from the burning of fossil fuels and that is causing global warming by absorbing increasing amounts of energy from sunlight. Still, climate researchers say they should find out what its potential of albedo modification might be.” (Adrian Cho, “To fight global warming, Senate calls for study of making Earth reflect more light,” Sciencemag.org, April 19, 2016)

Another view of the skies of Chattanooga on Tuesday. (Photo Blacky Darr)

Knoxville on Tuesday in the throes of a federal weather modification injection. Says a scientist: “A common plot device of Hollywood human-disaster movies is that in the face of impending peril the government will fix the problem, or provide a safe refuge for a privileged few, but the population as a whole must be kept unaware. Is a similar drama being played out for real with covert tropospheric geoengineering under the guise of protecting Earth from anthropogenic global warming?” (Photo Marla Stair-Wood)

Sullivan County, Tenn., endures a septic sky and heavy aerosol deposits Tuesday. (Photo Marla Stair-Wood)
Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering is not a prospective science experiment. It is a hoary program, wizened and secretive. It is a hazard to human health. Chattanooga is said to be one of the most pollen-leaden cities in the United States; the press and people who are quoted in the press make no mention of the prospect of coal fly ash deposits pouring down from above upon the city’s streets, highways, neighborhoods, industrial areas, common areas, parks and farms.
The only public official of whom I’m aware has taken the trouble to consider geoengineering is Sabrina Smedley. The real estate agent is a member of the Hamilton County Commission. A person in her field from California has talked with Mrs. Smedley about “chemtrailing,” has strongly suggested to her that it is a danger to human health and to ordinary society. She is willing to listen.
But there is little anyone can do about the weather modification program, also known with the high title of “solar radiation management.”
The routine operation of mass flights over Chattanooga is something that deserves some consideration by the people of our state. Are Tennesseans being victimized by an unknown power, ostensibly with legal authority from the national government in Washington, D.C.?
Is it possible that the government in Washington does not care about the people in Tennessee and Chattanooga? Is it possible that its programs may be injurious to the people of the Volunteer State, their health, their rights, their property? Does the record the past 100 years suggest anything of its overall good character?
Agreement among elite?
Weather modification is not a new program. It was proposed before the United Nations by President John F. Kennedy in a famous speech. In the lecture he said that the United States would not just influence the weather, but eventually control it. The weather is used by the U.S. military as a force multiplier. That means that authorities in military positions view the weather as a weapon. Is it possible that the people in Washington and those allied with them buy contract, affinity, family, heritage and background have anything against the people of Tennessee in Chattanooga? Is it possible that they are operating a program, for secret purposes, that will shorten the lives of people in Tennessee? Do the people in Washington have a record of studious care about the rights, privileges, immunities and properties of people here and in the 50 states?
When considering the visual evidence of environmental modification and the scientific literature that describes its operation, we should have reason to doubt.
In my reading I find very little evidence that the people in Washington care about you your family, your prosperity, your city or your state.
There may be secret causes behind the stratospheric aerosol geoengineering program. It is speculated by some that these are population control and other causes in that direction. Yes, the United States is involved in population control especially in Africa since the time of Zbigniew Brzezinski in the 1970s. Whether the program is directed against Americans with population management in view is unknown.
Reporting on the program and its effects suggest that corporate actors involved in administration and research have offloaded all liability onto the state and its military apparatus. The program violates the clean air act that has cleaned up the utility sector of the very form of pollutant that is injected by aircraft.
But the federal government, operating on the basis of necessity, national emergency, national security and global hegemony, has poured millions of tons of pollution into the sky, very likely upon a set of self-contradictory goals. These are reasonable surmises as criminal legal sanctions and nondisclosure contracts have kept details bottled up.
No accident
It’s fair to say the white plumes are not accidental. They are not innocent contrails, or water vapor, as the EPA contends in its dreary fact sheets. Jet engine technology with the bypass turbofan has made contrails a thing of the past. Weather modification, by my observation, is ramping up for its fourth strenuous summer.
Extreme weather conditions are found around the world, with bizarre weather systems and apocalyptic floods such as that in Texas and its biblical droughts/famines such as that afflicting California (as if they were enemy). Bizarre weather phenomenon are being reported around the world. Here in Chattanooga we’ve had remarkable weather anomalies such as five-minute blizzard downtown March 25, 2014, and several days in which so many jets plied the sky with trails that the program seems nothing less than a heavenly visitation — or a declaration of war.
National governments in league with industrial and financial interests have a stake in weather. If you control the weather, and the crops, and are involved in the financial sector of the national or global economy, you can make a fortune in betting on crops’ failure or success.
There are many interests which in pursuit of profit are glad of the great power of national government and their air forces and contract jet operators to alter the weather.
Little to be done for now

A sky stripe on Tuesday distributes what scientist Marvin Herndon has discovered to be coal fly ash across a blue sky, like a carpet. (Photo Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)
Chattanooga is asleep. The environmental movement in Chattanooga is a disaster. I cannot get the interest of liberals and environmentalists on this topic. The reason my basic reporting on this topic fails to generate interest, I suspect, that my accusations are aimed at their great source of hope — and that is the U.S. government. If your god is government, if your god is the state, the whole aerosol geoengineering story is invisible. It is too distressing to allow. Admitting it would mean the septic smog over your city and mine comes from the state itself, making it definitionally innocuous, even beneficial.
March was a record month for geoengineering over Chattanooga.
Seventeen days were marked by jet activity in the high atmosphere, with noxious emissions spreading out into gray mist and haze. Chemtrailing operations occurred march to 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 28, 22, 23, 27, 29, and 30. Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering is the biggest story on the environment in the past 20 years, but will require a trigger to bring it to the public’s attention.
Skyrocketing neurological illness such as Alzheimer’s and autism are connected with metals poisoning. Whether from vaccines, aluminum cookware in the 1960s or sky striping in the 1990s and 2010s, human health damage reporting does not coalesce in such a way as to focus public attention on the danger of the modern state in another war on its people.
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Tuesday skies over Chattanooga are fairly called “policy skies” because they tell of a potentially dangerous federal policy of air pollution as savior of the planet in the purported “war on global warming.” (Photo Tennessee Skywatch)
Official pollution in Tennessee skies, decade’s most important environmental story
‘Toxic nightmare’ as war on global warming drags white coal fly ash across sky
If geoengineering sky tattoos spread bio-active aluminum in India, so, too, in Chattanooga
Herndon tells Chattanoogans coal fly ash is villain iherndn sky striping program
Policy skies: Intense aerosol dosings of Tennessee cities blot sunlight
Deep state scheme or dirty airline industry? Altered fuels play role in sky striping
10 questions about sky to test your powers of observation
Sky striping backers confer at Cambridge; murk hogs sunlight here
Plumes scar sky as green group worries about theoretical chemtrail program
Easter aerial visitation outside purview of U.S. Form 17-4
Sky striping critics said to ‘derail debate’ over theoretical sun-fighting program
Exposure of sky striping program will come through local economy
To nation waiting for sign, aerial visitation no better than hieroglyph
To block rays reaching Chattanooga, aircraft apply solar prophylactic, dim the sun
City gets taste of ‘negative emissions’ as scientists debate solar radiation controls
Modest Obama omits mention of heroic weather modification effort
Scientist ‘terrified’ by prospect of aerial program already in effect over cities
Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering in a nutshell: Bad news
Flick hints at city rain droplet mystery, one explained by good professor
Airport says ignorant of sky striping; no documents, memos, forms exist
Horizon-to-horizon lines tell of global engineering policy that affects you
Jet flights by hundreds drag white scars across city skies on Lord’s Day
Was NOAA form 17-4 filled out for city weather modification exercise?
Fleischmann ‘unaware’ of sky tattooing; staff ‘will continue to follow’
It’s perfectly rational for Barys, other weathermen to ignore sky striping
Photo gallery: Origin of city’s haze U.S. jet-laid greenhouse gas emissions
The global angle in the sky geometry lesson over Chattanooga
City heavily treated with high-altitude aerosol dispersals 2 days
Tulis asks Fleischmann to help abate public nuisance of sky striping
Critics insist metal shield in stratosphere over city impossible, only water vapor
Uncle sky stripes city on national holiday; should we worry, or say thanks?
Aluminum nanoparticles highly reactive in body, easily penetrate brain
Wall of skepticism makes invisible aerial salvation by U.S.; still, look up
Chattanooga CBS Radio affiliate eyes geoengineering’s sky stripe program
State would sweat under EPA lockdown, but prof warns against chemtrail breakout
Tulis demands air data, says aerial spraying probably not illegal
As Chattanoogans protest, Monsanto gains access to weather
Man, 25, eyeing jet trails, worries on ’60s-style pollution over River City
Selling local economy by gazing skyward, lamenting a failed god
U.S. weather control affects human health, causes gyrations
Murky brilliance; 2 days of chemtrailing muzzy city’s skies
Are sky stripes over city lost jets, or stepped-up geoengineering program?
Against sky stripe ingredients, this watchdog does not bark
1st story about sky striping in Chattanooga, April 2014
Bizarre March blizzard follows day of heavy chemtrailing in Chattanooga skies