Chattanooga cops stop a member of the public in his travels. Every traffic “stop” is an arrest for 4th amendment purposes and represents a criminal enforcement of an administrative relationship between licensor and licensee under the state trucking law. (Photo David Tulis)
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Monday, Jan. 20, 2025 – Wicked men disgrace their office in the government of Bill Lee who has ignored their harms just as they ignored his injuring the people in the March 12, 2020, coup against constitutional government that he led.
These people in the Lee administration have shed innocent blood in Tennessee numbering tens of thousands in the so-called CV-19 Warp Speed project, the “safe and effective” vaccines produced by military contractors. The mass harm of mRNA gene altering shots, bringing clots and heart problems and many other conditions are Gov. Lee’s doing. The consequence is visible in the obituary pages of hundreds of premature deaths, “kids dying young,” which feature is on this website.
Intent to harm
I am no longer able to graciously believe that wicked practices I point out are an oversight. I have been 17 months inside the department of revenue demanding an end of the latest breach without result.
Of late the harms against the people are not unto death but in service to corporate quarterly profit statements. In the Covid-19 coup, which the judges are empowered to have stopped, the judges participated with their own declaration March 13, 2020, declaring a state of emergency in the judicial system and their closing the courts. Shutting the courts violates the constitutional requirement that they be open. Tenn. Const. art. 1, Section X.
To these same malefactors I have been making appeal on two fronts that show how the hand of commerce has corrupted the rule of law and blighted the enjoyment of legal and political liberty.
No. 1, permission of predatory capitalism to operate in State of Tennessee. Despite proper petition, the court of appeals in its ruling Flexibility Capital vs. Sabatino Cupelli, says predatory lenders such as Flexibility Capital of New York and Lendini of Bensalem, Pa., have free play in Tennessee exploiting the weak, the poor and small business with predatory loans. No relief in the courts of Tennessee. I have resorted to federal court against Flexibility and two other high-flying debt outfits charging and suing to collect profit on 590%.APR loans.
No. 2, permission to extort 6.34 million owners of automobiles registered with the department of revenue as motor vehicles. Gov. Lee and his leading satraps are aware of a parasitical program serving the for-profit insurance industry, whose members have flocked to join the Tennessee Auto Insurance Plan created in 2015 in the Atwood Amendment to the Tennessee Financial Responsibility Law of 1977.
Revenue, in cooperation with the department of safety, extorts the traveling public, the harm falling most grievously upon poor people who have an absolute right to use the roads for their livings, but who cannot afford insurance on their cars or on their travels. Their cars are towed out from under them, they are criminally charged, and 40,800 of them are convicted a year, on average in criminal prosecution.
Arresting poor to use the roads
Commissioner of revenue David Gerregano (aka “The Guano”) and safety commissioner Jeff Long use police, sheriff’s deputies and state troopers to enforce mandatory insurance upon every user of every motor vehicle in the state, even those not part of a commercial transportation business nor involved in a qualifying accident.
These men offend God in their use of threat and violence against innocent people in Tennessee. They betray their office as participants in treason. They impudently use administrative power in their agencies to defraud the weak and the poor. Even though we have 18,000 lawyers and hundreds of judges in our state and tens of thousands of government employees, this practice of extorting travelers in the use of their cars has gone on since 2002. The department of revenue automated the system under the Atwood Amendment starting January 1, 2017.
The press is complicit by refusing to raise hue and cry. No one except me reports my court action to stop these harms. The fogbombing media hid my extensive litigation against the governor and against local health administrator Becky Barnes in the case filed Oct. 2, 2020, in Hamilton County Chancery Court. They refused to report harm and death because the Times Free Press and the other members of the establishment didn’t want to challenge the “policy” of “safe and effective.” Presstitution.
My attack on hated traffic stops
My litigation against the department of revenue that I have extensively covered on Substack and on TNtrafficticket.US and on Eagle Radio network is ignored everywhere as insignificant. I believe it’s not media person jealousy of another media person making news; it’s a stultifying acceptance of a powerfully framed narrative that doesn’t want to reveal the true harms in many quarters, harms sourced in corporate and financial interest.
The governor allows Messrs. Long and Gerregano to move the landmarks of protection of the property rights of the people. All three men betray the public trust. They have support in court from Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti and they have obtained the silence of Jason Mumpower, the comptroller of the treasury. All of them have offices in Nashville.
Courts accept void prosecution of this reporter
Former Chattanooga area attorney John McClarty and two other judges on the Court of Appeals, sitting in Knoxville, ignored my Rule 60.02 appeal on the vampires, indicating that Flexibility Capital, in suing my radio station partner Sabatino Cupelli and me in circuit court, does well. My plea was that no party involved in fraud or violation of the usury law has standing to sue and it didn’t matter that I had a late notice of appeal in a void case. The judiciary in this case, as it did in the COVID-19 case, is merely playing tricks to give a simulacrum of legal rationale. In Covid, the 30 page plus ruling against me in my petition for writ of mandamus against Governor Lee for fraud is a contorted work Defending the judicial coup, The price of that being the court’s destruction of the powerful common law remedy of writ of mandamus. It burdens the use of that powerful remedy with standing requirements that were not there previously.
Gov. Bill Lee makes profession of faith in Christianity and may well be a son among the elect. But his ignoring notice in court and continuing publication by me – which constitutes legal notice under the Tennessee whistleblower statute and the federal whistleblower statute – indicate that he ultimately is satisfied with the management of his commissioners.
Despite bloodletting, despite the insurance stripmining operation of these two agencies, in which every city and county law enforcement agency participates and which the courts support.
These evils surround us because God’s people are ignorant of His Word and ignorant of how law operates. I speak of God’s law and also of men’s law. There is much good in Tennessee law, if we only understand by studying God’s word how men’s laws rightly copy its premises in many ways.
Man’s law incorporates God’s
As to the Tennessee code, we Christians fail to understand its system of privilege as ordained in Tennessee constitution Article 2, Section 28, privilege as the means by which the government regulates the economy. If an activity or place is not involved in privilege, it is invisible to government, in keeping with the premise of Romans 13.
Privilege, while expansive in aggregating power to the state, has clear limits. These delimiting lines and demarcations we little understand. We lack basic knowledge as God’s people. We lack faith in God in hope and confidence, not seeing in God’s provision to us in men’s laws our means of escaping the trap. The line is drawn in sharp, clear blocks of white paint down the middle of the pavement.
When it comes to continuing abuse of communication and travel rights, on one side of the white line is private use of the road, for example, and on the left side of the road is privileged activity, which means activity done for private profit and gain affecting the public interest. The private side can contain anything from medicine, counseling, doctoring, mutual aid in lieu of insurance, natural foods, natural farming, dealings of all kinds, including, I daresay, law.
The duty of the state is great, but its limits are clearly demarcated. Resistance against overreach is always based on challenging the rebuttable presumption against lawful authority by the establishment of a record in favor of the private and protected activity.
These five men in high office in Tennessee should forfeit their public trust.
David runs a personal nonprofit fighting and mercy ministry. He thanks you for checks sent directly to c/o 10520 Brickhill Lane, Soddy-Daisy, TN 37379. Also at GiveSendGo.