Heavy sky striping Thursday morning preceded the arrival over Chattanooga of a blank haze of official pollution that blots the sun. (Photo Blacky Darr)

Jet trails put reverse tattoos over the skies of Eastern Tennessee on Thursday. (Photo Michelle Proctor)

A sawed-off cloud over Bristol, Tenn., showing how negative emissions are controlled, not inadvertent. (Photo Geoengineering our Tennessee Skies on Facebook)

This smogbank hangs over Chattanooga Thursday morning, heralded by a TV weatherman as cloudiness. I pass these mailboxes on my morning walk in Soddy-Daisy, looking south. (Photo David Tulis)

Aerosol deposits often are laid in front of weather systems, as seen here in Chattanooga on Thursday. (Photo Blacky Darr)

Jet pollution serves public policy and is a program in military jurisdiction with the ostensible goal of fighting global warming, as here over Clinton, Tenn. (Photo Melinda Lister Smiley)

Chembos, or rainbows created by aerosol deposits, appear in skies treated with aerosol particulates. This one is seen over my house in Soddy-Daisy. (Photo David Tulis)

Nashville joins other cities Thursday in being subjected to what appears to be stratospheric aerosol geoengineering. (Photo Doug Diamond)

A sky tattoo dissolves as the sky over Bristol, Tenn., is treated Thursday. (Photo Geoengineering our Tennessee Skies on Facebook)

Robertson County joins in the war against sunshine as jets attempt to murk up the sky. (Photo Michael C. Kirk)

A university town, Knoxville is subjected to solar radiation management, deemed by academia to be a futuristic concept about a possible fight against global warming. (Photo Marla Stair-Wood)

Strontium, barium and reflective aluminum are used in U.S. weather modification patents. Here, unintended results over Chattanooga State community college Thursday. (Photo Brad Nelson)

Thursday overflights and weather system imports from further south give Chattanooga on Thursday the typical geoengineering-oriented murk. (Photo Blacky Darr)
A planetary thermostat in the stratosphere would be ungovernable. Deciding when to implement it and agreeing what the setting should be and how it should be governed in the imaginable future would demand an unprecedented – and simply unattainable – degree of trust and cooperation among the nations of the world.
— Mike Hulme, author of Can Science Fix Climate Change? A Case Against Climate Engineering
By David Tulis
The skies of several east Tennessee cities were heavily bombarded with jet plumes Thursday, and in at least two cities the bright day ended entirely overcast with high altitude smog in the lower stratosphere. The stratosphere, where jets travel at about 40,000 feet, is the locale where sky stripes are injected; regular weather is generally at about 20,000 feet.
David Karnes of TV3 in Chattanooga began his early forecast with, “Good Thursday. Today will be another nice one. We will get to the low 80s this afternoon with clouds building through the day. *** Tonight will be overcast with the low dropping to 65. Friday will start out nice.”
Mr. Karnes’ graphics showed masses of filmy clouds moving north in a swath as wide as Tennessee.
If indeed Tennessee and other states are the object of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, it appears that the program gears up prior to the arrival of damp weather. Environmentalist Dane Wigington of Geoengineeringwatch.org says jet deposits prevent rain from falling and interrupt the hydrological cycle.
Days I mark as “chemtrail days” often bring an intersection over Chattanooga massive sky plumes and the arrival of rainclouds — and, often enough, no or little rainfall. Injections of particulate prevents formation of raindrops by saturating the sky with microscopic particles, essentially confusing clouds into not allow water drops to attain enough size to fall to the ground.
Sky striping is either a military program in which loaded tankers spew out gaseous particulates intended to stay aloft for days and deflect sunlight. More than 800 C-130 tankers and variants have seen military service, each with capacity of 40 tons. Or specially designed tinctures in jet fuel emit a finely tuned waste product that creates durable clouds at high altitude. Weather modification has been U.S. policy since the 1960s.
Sawed-off clouds
Maybe a natural explanation works better? Are the clouds innocuous water vapor plumes that the EPA in its fact sheet and weather forecaster tell of? Visual evidence suggests no. I see many clouds today that stop and start, as if “turned on” and “turned off.” Forecasters such as Paul Barys dismiss all talk of sky stripes as being policy or having any affect on real weather.
Regardless of human health and environmental conditions on the ground, the program is entering at least its third summer. Its effect is continual dry weather, with the sun dilating hugely in the sky as the reflective aerosols do at least some of the work scientists such as Paul Crutzen assign it. Program opponents such as Mr. Wigington say so-called solar radiation management is intensifying earth’s surface temperatures.
Mr. Wigington on May 9 posted an essay with a coauthor in which he seeks to explain why the earth is warming at the rate of four Hiroshima bombs per second (2.5 x 1014 Joules per second). He blames rising temperatures and bizarre disasters such as the California drought as the result of SAG run by national governments.
“The study, led by Dr. Kevin Trenberth, found that net changes to clouds and related additions of water vapor to the upper atmosphere is a positive or amplifying feedback to human caused warming. In other words, the way human heat alters clouds and the related hydrological cycle results in yet more heat being trapped by the Earth System.”
According to a paper reported on in an English newspaper, “the changes are caused principally by changes to clouds and water vapor, and other short-term weather patterns. Clouds have the ability to reflect sunlight back to space; however, clouds also have the ability to trap more heat within the Earth’s atmosphere. So, short-term fluctuations in clouds have large impacts on the net rate of heat gain by the Earth.”
Mr. Wigington is the environmentalist whose drumbeat of publication avers that operators in the deep state are effectively committing planetary suicide with the complicity of scientists, whose academic papers largely theorize about mass chemtrailing to save the planet. “The climate science community is helping to hide the ongoing geoengineering crimes by their constant attempt to explain away the completely engineered as being ‘natural.’ *** Worse still, the ongoing climate engineering fallout is contaminating the entire planet with toxic metal and chemical particulates.”
Nasa the space agency says that cirrus clouds of the kind created by jets are extensive enough to account for the global warming trend in the U.S. between 1975 and 1994, according to research in April 2004. A recent ocean sky test reported in British media says a single jet could create clouds covering tens of thousands of square miles.
‘Supreme arrogance’
Weather management seems like a fruitless enterprise, one bringing headaches and imponderables to the state actors behind it. Weather shifts about, cannot be really managed or controlled. Weather at best can be manipulated at the margin. Why cover the skies of Tennessee with persistent contrails one day, generating a happy plasma against sunlight, when, next day, the stratosphere has dispersed the deposits and scattered clouds hither and yon, with the aerosol tonnage drifting down toward field, farm, town and river?
Among the critics of any proposed mass cloud-making program is Mike Hulme of King’s College London. “Through the transformation of land, the production of energy, the consumption of materials, and the begetting of children humans have altered the physical processes of climate around the world,” he tells a sky striping conference in Berlin in 2014.
“And we have been doing so for a very long time, certainly for a thousand years, maybe for ten thousand. The experimentation with climate that has resulted from these activities has been inadvertent and unintentional. But to deliberately change the condition of the planet’s atmosphere in order to compensate for an induced planetary heating, is an entirely different form of experimentation. It is intentional intervention. It suggests a supreme confidence in human knowledge and ingenuity – a confidence approaching arrogance.”
Weather control programs, he and other scientists warn, are ungovernable and will lead to warfare and strife.
Sources: John Abraham, “Changes in water vapor and clouds are amplifying global warming[;] A new paper represents a major step in measuring and understanding the Earth’s climate,” The Guardian, April 23, 2015. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2015/apr/23/changes-in-water-vapor-and-clouds-are-amplifying-global-warming
Mike Hulme, “Why We Should Not Engineer A Global Thermostat; Can science fix climate change? A case against climate engineering,” paper delivered at the 2014 climate engineering conference in Berlin. http://ce-conference.org/conference-blog/why-we-should-not-engineer-global-thermostat
Top video, Nashville on Thursday is doused with jet-injected cloud. One minute. (Doug Diamond). The second video, says SAG critic Dane Wigington, “proves” that sky striping like that over Tennessee cities is an official program bringing pollution into the service of government, to the injury of people on the ground and to farming and recreational activity.
Have you missed anything in sky striping coverage & Chattanooga, Tenn.? Coverage past 13 months:
Policy skies: Intense aerosol dosings of Tennessee cities blot sunlight
Deep state scheme or dirty airline industry? Altered fuels play role in sky striping
10 questions about sky to test your powers of observation
Sky striping backers confer at Cambridge; murk hogs sunlight here
Plumes scar sky as green group worries about theoretical chemtrail program
Easter aerial visitation outside purview of U.S. Form 17-4
Sky striping critics said to ‘derail debate’ over theoretical sun-fighting program
Exposure of sky striping program will come through local economy
To nation waiting for sign, aerial visitation no better than hieroglyph
To block rays reaching Chattanooga, aircraft apply solar prophylactic, dim the sun
City gets taste of ‘negative emissions’ as scientists debate solar radiation controls
Modest Obama omits mention of heroic weather modification effort
Scientist ‘terrified’ by prospect of aerial program already in effect over cities
Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering in a nutshell: Bad news
Flick hints at city rain droplet mystery, one explained by good professor
Airport says ignorant of sky striping; no documents, memos, forms exist
Horizon-to-horizon lines tell of global engineering policy that affects you
Jet flights by hundreds drag white scars across city skies on Lord’s Day
Was NOAA form 17-4 filled out for city weather modification exercise?
Fleischmann ‘unaware’ of sky tattooing; staff ‘will continue to follow’
It’s perfectly rational for Barys, other weathermen to ignore sky striping
Photo gallery: Origin of city’s haze U.S. jet-laid greenhouse gas emissions
The global angle in the sky geometry lesson over Chattanooga
City heavily treated with high-altitude aerosol dispersals 2 days
Tulis asks Fleischmann to help abate public nuisance of sky striping
Critics insist metal shield in stratosphere over city impossible, only water vapor
Uncle sky stripes city on national holiday; should we worry, or say thanks?
Aluminum nanoparticles highly reactive in body, easily penetrate brain
Wall of skepticism makes invisible aerial salvation by U.S.; still, look up
Chattanooga CBS Radio affiliate eyes geoengineering’s sky stripe program
State would sweat under EPA lockdown, but prof warns against chemtrail breakout
Tulis demands air data, says aerial spraying probably not illegal
As Chattanoogans protest, Monsanto gains access to weather
Man, 25, eyeing jet trails, worries on ’60s-style pollution over River City
Selling local economy by gazing skyward, lamenting a failed god
U.S. weather control affects human health, causes gyrations
Murky brilliance; 2 days of chemtrailing muzzy city’s skies
Are sky stripes over city lost jets, or stepped-up geoengineering program?
Against sky stripe ingredients, this watchdog does not bark
The first media coverage of sky striping in Chattanooga, April 2014
Bizarre March blizzard follows day of heavy chemtrailing in Chattanooga skies
Thank you, David, for this great article, video and pictures of our poisoned skies.
Geoengineering is killing all life on the ground. We see few healthy trees any more, wildlife has greatly diminished. We are suffering from migraine headaches, heart palpitations, nose bleeds, and ringing in our ears. The world is being gassed and few have woken to this reality. California was the first state to demand and get an investigation. A hearing with professional testimony is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4WhYKP83zo. For more info, go to geoengineeringwatch.org.
We the people were not given a vote; we were not given the information about this massive program before it was launched.
We need to stop this program while there is still time. To take action, sign our White House petition at https://petitions.whitehouse.gov//petition/stop-spraying-us-geo-engineering-our-skies-way-aerosol-spray-coming-jet-aircraft-genocide.
Thanks again, David, for all you are doing to expose this illegal geoengineering nightmare.