Visit farm wife Becky Ensinger and her husband, Bill, in our “local economy in one lesson” open house at the Ensingers’ farm just south of Dayton, Tenn.
A website that explores local economy and free markets in Chattanooga is sponsoring a public event at a Dayton, Tenn., farm that produces goats milk, eggs, honey and soap.
Nooganomics.com and the Bill Ensinger family will host a two-day “local economy in one lesson” event Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 at the 6-acre farm just south of the town. The farm is at 1334 Pierce Hill Road.
The Friday and Saturday open house is from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Dixie-Does Farm is known to its Internet clientele for marketing Dixie Soaps, goats milk bath bars made by Mr. Ensinger’s wife, Becky.
David Tulis, the independent journalist who runs the website, said he wants to interest readers in the local food movement. “The genius of local economy and the vibrancy of the free market are intriguing to readers of Nooganomics.com,” he said. “With coming national economic shocks, local farms and local economy will come to be seen not just as a delight or a novelty, but as a way of economic and personal protection.”
The Ensingers sell produce and wares at farmers markets in Dayton and Chattanooga. A goat produces up to two tons of milk in a year, with one animal, Hermione, squirting 4,200 pounds into the milk bucket, said the farmer, 39, father of two children.
“The rhythm in farming ultimately comes from God. Man has tried to alter that rhythm with fertilizer and pesticides,” Mr. Ensinger said, “but the best farming practices as far as the most healthy food you can produce is to let stuff grow the way God intended it to grow — the way God designed it to grow.”
Call David to see when he plans to visit
Mr. Tulis said any Nooganomics.com readers who would like to visit with him during their visit with the Ensingers should ask him his plans about attending. He can be reached at his home office phone, (423) 332-6459, or by email through the website.