The movie “Hacksaw Ridge” about war hero Desmond Doss holds up for our admiration his exercise of Christian conviction. He stood his ground on honoring the Lord’s day and …
When I first began my involvement in the abortion fight, I was an immediatist. We would actually go to the deathcamps themselves and interpose at the doors – placing …
The Rev. Eddie Jacks preaches to his congregation at resurrected Reformed Baptist Church from Psalm 119 about God’s irrevocable and perfect law. Meanwhile, homosexual activists in Chattanooga rule the …
When Christians on the Lord’s Day hear a sermon about King David’s adultery with Bathsheba, they are often left in the dark about Bathsheba’s husband. Uriah the Hittite was …
By Joel McDurmon / American Vision We have seen now how America was originally settled with nearly all governmental sovereignty vested at the local level. This was the legacy …
On June 11 a criminal defendant will host a victory dinner at a church fellowship hall “to honor the Lord and praise Him for his goodness in answering my …
Christianity is a system of belief and life that will reshape human society and in large measure reorganize nations and kingdoms before the last day. That is a promise …
Christians and others are doing important work to develop the ideas we explore here and on AM 1240 Hot News Talk Radio on the David Tulis program. Among those …