The Rev. Eddie Jacks of Resurrected Reformed Baptist church in Chattanooga preaches the sovereignty of God and the victory of the gospel over sin and its imperial pretenses. (Photo YouTube)

Activist Marcus Ellsworth of Chattanooga preaches conquest of gay theory and humanism by compulsion, threat and high court rulings. (Photo YouTube)
The Rev. Eddie Jacks preaches to his congregation at resurrected Reformed Baptist Church from Psalm 119 about God’s irrevocable and perfect law.
Meanwhile, homosexual activists in Chattanooga rule the Lord’s Day, as it were, at Ross’s Landing with a parade celebrating queer theory.
By David Tulis / AM 1240 Hot News Talk Radio
The Chattanooga Pride Parade and Festival brings hundreds of people according to a Chattanooga Times Free Press report, to the riverfront where an activist for gay theory, Marcus Ellsworth, says much work needs to be done to secure the rights of homosexuals and their sex-bending allies.
Even though the federal high court opined that gay marriage is a constitutional right, Mr. Ellsworth indicate he and others are not satisfied with the effects of the opinion.
He said work still needs to be done to “protect the LGBT community from discrimination even after last year’s Supreme Court ruling,” according to the newspaper’s account. “In particular there is concern about the prejudice our transgender and gender-nonconforming community members are facing,” Mr. Elsworth tells the newspaper.
‘We have kept silence instead of telling the truth’
Meanwhile at Resurrected Reformed Baptist church, the assembled host prays that God will forgive each person his sins. “Lord, we have sinned, without considering how much you love us. You see our sins more clearly than we can ourselves. We have spoken without an effort to understand others. We have kept silence instead of telling the truth. We seek your salvation, then act like we save ourselves. We beg your forgiveness, then repeat our errors. We confess the poverty of our worship, our neglect of fellowship and of the means of grace, our hesitating witness for Christ, our evasion of responsibilities in our service, our imperfect stewardship of your gifts. Have mercy on us, Lord, and forgive us. Amen.”
Elder Jacks says he has been nearly obsessing with the message of psalmist David in 119th chapter, a paean to God’s commandments and the longest chapter in the scripture. In that psalm, David declares God’s unending government and the faultless claims of His law.
Resurrected Reformed Baptist church believes in the Son of God and in the relevance of the commandments to personal holiness and, to some degree, social transformation.
The victory of God’s people
Rev. Jacks says God’s people will inherit the world. God’s statutes — which among other points require sexual chastity and forbid buggery and fornication espoused by the lugbutt lobby — are the songs of God’s people.
What we don’t own now as Christians one day will be ours, he says. He tells about David’s fleeing in the wilderness from Saul and points out that even though David had been anointed king by Samuel, he is still a fugitive. So things, titles and domains should be understood to belong to God’s people, even though at the moment they are possessed or occupied by the wicked. He says that the antidote to sin is God’s statutes which are marked by permanence and not subject to alteration.
Gay tolerance in view
Meanwhile at the other end of the state, and all boys Catholic High School is being sued for F$1 million by former student who says the school cost him quote severe injuries and damages unquote by refusing him to bring another boy as a date to a homecoming dance in 2015. Christian Brothers High School, run by the Catholic Church, caused the boy who identifies as gay to “suffer severe injuries and damages” which include, but are not limited to “disability, past and future emotional distress, past and future medical expenses, and personal care services.”
The theories of Marcus Ellsworth should be understood as being hostile to anyone who holds fast to their principles as did this school to its Roman Catholic ideals.
According to a report on Lifesitenews.com, the church teaches that sexuality is created by God, is for the sake of lovingly uniting a man and a woman in marriage to produce offspring. “Homosexual acts are called ‘intrinsically disordered’ since they are quite contrary to the law of nature and “close the sexual act” to the gift of life.
The man suing is now a student at DePaul University. Such litigation intends to harass, intimidate and make God’s people cower before their enemies and the opponents of lawful marriage.