For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. — James 2:10 People in the Chattanooga area may …
Pamela Fleenor of chancery court has sent to the court of appeals in Knoxville a record containing a nine-minute gap. By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM The omission …
MR. TULIS: In my argument to strike the Barnes motion for dismissal and the brief attached, I assert again that it’s an improper motion, pretending to have a concern …
DAYTON, Ohio —Based on some personal factors, I reluctantly received the first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on March 16, 2021 at 10:02am. By Christopher Boeckman Two hours …
Evidently in Tennessee, a bank can allege and admit to a ‘mistake… the bank’s mistake‘ and yet hold the customer accountable, knowing it will cost the customer a million-dollar …
The mandamus case to reverse the Tennessee state of emergency under mass public fraud was accepted Friday by the court of appeals in Knoxville. It had been sent from …
The Tennessee Firearms Association recommends that people get or keep the Tennessee enhanced handgun permit rather than relying on the Governor’s new permitless carry bill that goes into effect …
MR. TULIS: — hey are to be physically open in their buildings so that people, common people, rich people, poor people, people with phones, people without phones, can come …