WSMV Channel 4 This report Sept. 8 by (unrelated to the Grenda Harmer story) in Nashville tells of an attack against a female officer by a prisoner high …
Hixson Utility District faces renewed questions about its use of a contaminant, hydrofluorosilicic acid, which it puts deliberately as policy into the water supply of more than many thousands …
State DAs such as Neal Pinkston have accepted continued violation of the state legal system, a violation that involves the overlooking of cities’ enforcement of state law. It’s been …
Ethics rules for city police officers require respect of citizenry, an unwillingness to violate constitutional rights. So, why are arrested people not mirandized? (Courtesy Noogaradio)
Chattanooga in the city-states futureWhat are the major trends that bode well for Chattanooga being richer, freer and more independent? Dave Crockett lassos prospect. A major hitch, getting the …
The following is my interview by correspondence with Grenda Harmer, a whistleblowing inmate consigned to Morgan County Correctional Complex in Wartburg, Tenn. David Tulis — Why are you in …
The professionals involved in Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth explain how the official narrative of demolition of three high-rises by two jets is simply a fabrication that allows …
My wife, Jeanette, and I publish a lovely newsletter for the Chattanooga area homeschool Association. We invite you to take a peak and find a family advantage in our …