The following is a letter to a person who travels on the public right-of-way without being involved in transportation and without the benefit and protection of a driver license. …
June Griffin of Dayton, Tenn., a matron of the constitution, is among the many tens of thousands of Tennesseans oppressed by the driver license statute. From left on the …
Black people aren’t free to travel the highways, lanes and roads of Tennessee, according to state government and its rows of officials and officers. By David Tulis / NoogaRadio …
Sixteen days after sending off a two-page administrative notice, an inmate at a prison at Wartburg, Tenn., reports relief from an oppression that forced him to wear every piece …
An unidentified visitor to Morristown, Tenn., runs his phone as a camera, and because a passer-by does not recognize him and calls the cops, the family man faces a …
It’s been hard to take seriously the campaign for governor in Tennessee. Much of the discourse overlooks issues of liberty and constitutional restraints upon government. My questions are obnoxious, and …
Here is a letter to Gov. Bill Haslam regarding his duty under the Tennessee constitution and pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. to protect the rights of others and not …
The warlords of history are still kicking our heads in, and no one, not our fathers, not our Gods, is coming to save us.”— Journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates The U.S. …