Chancery court judge Pamela Fleenor denies a petition in open court that she cast off her chin diaper because the court rules about demeanor cannot operate if her face …
The proper resistance to the coming techno-med onslaught against our persons and families is using two ancient remedies. By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM One is writ of …
Over Thanksgiving holiday Tennessee highway patrol troopers were arresting travelers in their cars as part of the state policy of Jim Crow enforcement upon ordinary citizens apart from commission …
My project to Chattanooga city government under administrative notice to push it to comply with black-letter law appears to have failed. By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM A …
Masks on faces muffle speech and convert men and women into chimpanzees with bulging noses, mouths and chins and receding eyes. By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM Handsome …
Good Afternoon, Mr. Pinkston this is Legal Citizen VICTIM Mr. Michael James, in response to you Sir, with regards to EX – C.P.D. ROGUE COP Lance Hughes # 826, … Chancery court judge Pam Fleenor has had my demand for a writ of mandamus for 51 days; the people have been under lawless and abusive government already 255 …
Live report from David Tulis at courthouse — Lee, Barnes in default