CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Sunday, July 28, 2024 — The political establishment is behind “conservative champion” Rep. Patsy Hazlewood because the last thing its members want in Thursday’s primary balloting is …
Most of you are probably aware that four (4) proposed amendments to our Beloved Tennessee Constitution are going to be on the November 2022 ballot for the people to …
WESTPOINT, Tenn., Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2022 — Trudeau’s attempts to crush the Canadian protesters presents your last warning to get wealth outside the digital financial system. By Franklin Sanders / The …
Several important areas stand before us in Chattanooga amenable to reform in the interest of justice. Christians, whose Bibles reveal the model of all justice and equity, should review …
Police’s routine claims upon travelers are in evidence in a noisome arrest video posted by businesswoman Jayla Oattes showing the arrest of her mother at a gas station on …
Since the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has expanded its mandate to enforce these laws by labeling everything that is not …
A TVA spokesman says there is no limit on federal jurisdiction by agency cops, who are now performing traffic enforcement stops in police cars disguised as private vehicles. (Courtesy …
David Tulis listens intently to J. Marvin Herndon of San Diego, a crusty nuclear geoscientist who in 2015 broke the story that the U.S. government is dumping recycled coal …