Deposits of coal fly ash show themselves in various stages of diffusion over the skies of Hamilton County, Tenn., on June 6, 2017. Notice how particulate matter streams away from the main body of the ash deposit. (Photo David Tulis)
David Tulis listens intently to J. Marvin Herndon of San Diego, a crusty nuclear geoscientist who in 2015 broke the story that the U.S. government is dumping recycled coal utility waste product (coal fly ash) into the atmosphere by the millions of tons. This program evidently is part of the so-called war on global warming, and contributes to the warming of the planet, says Dr. Herndon, a man who doesn’t take federal money. Hear Part II of this interview here. (Courtesy Noogaradio)
Thank you for taking on this dire topic!!! This information needs major awareness, in hopes of stopping this immediately! Our physical and mental health is at eminent risk.
Geoengineering has ramped up in the last three months. Neither we the people, nor our planet can survive much longer. Thank you again and PLEASE continue to sound the alarm.
See Geoengineeringwatch,org, see Frankenskies (the movie by Matt Landman).
By the way, Dr. Herndon is absolutely correct regarding the global warming fraud! Geoengineering is the absolute cause of global warming for many nefarious reasons. Follow the money and those with lust of power. Sickening!