Many cases in Hamilton County courts and those across the state should be dismissed on due process grounds because the officer arrested the accused person without a warrant in …
Police traffic stops to pursue the drug war and control the poor and minorities seem like an unstoppable program. They appear to be part of the American way, and …
Should CALEA certify agency that rejects state law, ignores own policy manual? Chattanooga police are operating in disregard of a primary rule enunciated by CALEA, that against biased policing …
Free-range traveler and tradesmen Jon Luman has defeated a fourth attack on his liberty by cops and courts in Hamilton County, a liberty called “the orphaned right” by a …
On May 30 sheriff’s deputy Sgt. Gregory Carson arrested tradesman Jon Luman of Red Bank in private SUV on Morrison Springs Road near the Route 27 underpass. By David …
CALEB’s Immigration Bond Fund is a revolving account used to post federal bonds for individuals held in ICE detention. Bonds are given to detainees who have a reasonable chance …
Christopher Dahl works in a downtown tavern and recently was stopped by the police as he left work. By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM Mr. Dahl, a libertarian …
Tennessee has adopted a biblical standard In the prosecution of crimes, a standard which dictates few criminal prosecutions and effectively forbids most of the operation of the police-industrial complex …