The following is a report from John Gentry, who represents the people single-handedly in Nashville in a remonstrance against the judicial / legal cartel that has seized the state …
John Gentry fires back at objections to a proposed trial before the general assembly of his indictment of unjust influence and illegal control of the general assembly and the …
Petitioner John Gentry deals with a head-on rebuke by a practicing attorney and member of the state judiciary who is also a member of the legislature in the Tennessee …
Rep. Bud Hulsey filed the petition for remonstrance in the state general assembly because he sees in John Gentry’s efforts an effort to regain control of the state judicary, …
John Stevens is a practicing attorney of Huntingdon, Tenn., 3½ hours from Chattanooga and west of Nashville, and a member of the state senate who objects to anyone criticizing …