It’s been more than two years since city of Chattanooga and Hamilton County have been put under administrative notice regarding their widespread abuse of innocent people by use of …
The responses of Gov. Bill Lee and mayors across Tennessee such as Andy Berke of Chattanooga to CV-19 is to aim the weapon of police power upon people who …
City and county governments have received a warning notice from David Tulis, an investigative reporter and broadcast journalist who fears they may ramp up what he says are continuing …
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee, prior to imposing his penal lockdown upon the people of the state, had many meetings with advisers. Did they discuss the vital enabling law in …
It is my dream that Christian people in Chattanooga would form a private high school for minority teenagers who would learn law, constitution, public speaking and free market economics. …
Dr. Martin Luther King faced numerous arrests in his life, and one of them was under commercial government in Georgia under a law that, even today, keeps blacks under …
The dangers we face in Hamilton County today are more the beefy and bulky kind than the microscopic kind. By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM The danger is …
A Virginia state trooper is under a citizen complaint after perjuring himself in her criminal trial and alleging to colleagues in public afterward that she was “a Nazi” because …