Have not been in touch recently but no grass has been growing under my feet. By Joan Farrell Have tuned in briefly to hear lawyers from Greeneville, Knoxville(?), …
Protesters unite against Gov. Bill Lee’s shutdown of the state’s economy in Nashville Sunday afternoon, insisting on their rights to engage in commerce and travel apart from his string …
JONESBOROUGH, Tenn. — Is the COVID 19 pandemic a public health menace so severe and threatening so as to rise to the level of a legitimate providential hindrance to …
PARIS, Tenn. — Yesterday afternoon, I sent the attached letter to Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slatery, questioning the legal authority of the governor to issue his series of Executive …
No one in the federal government, state government, or local government has any authority to dictate to the general public that they must stay home or that they must …
Sue cop as oppressor, defend self in traffic court: Tennessee Transportation Administrative Notice
We get what we deserve in Chattanooga as executive government at the state capitol and at city hall conspire against us to bring us health, safety, welfare by executive …
Though I could agree with the tyrants that the vast majority of churches are “non-essential” and their failure to defy the tyrants affirms their non-essentiality – the tyrants need …