The following is an explainer letter to Hamilton County district attorney Neal Pinkston, who prosecutes all private people who are made to fall under the Tennessee traffic statutes …
Dear Gov. Haslam, I am writing you to follow up on transportation administrative notice, of which you received a hard copy March 6 by registered U.S. mail (RE338842074US). This letter …
A chronic abuse by Tennessee’s white establishment against minorities is the enforcement of traffic laws against people who are not subject to those statutes. A disproportionately large body of …
I sense a growing excitement among people considering our labor of transportation administrative notice. On Friday I was having a delicious hot dog lunch at G’s Detroit Sausages on …
Here’s a sketch of how transportation administrative notice could serve Chattanooga city council to restore constitutional use of Tenn. Code Ann. title 55, the traffic statute, which is being …
Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Hammond is mulling questions I sent him March 8 following a March 1 interview with 92.7 FM NoogaRadio regarding the rules for transportation enforcement. Sheriff …
I’ve just gotten off the phone with a reluctant patriot June Griffin is a long time defender of the constitution, of limited government, of the Ten Commandments and believes …
Welcome to Episode 43 of Axe to the Root Podcast, part of the War Room Productions, I am Bo Marinov, and for the next 20 minutes I will be …