Once given notice, officials have to obey the law or face personal tort lawsuits by victims of their abusive activities. My lococentric reform project seeking greater godliness in SE …
Traffic court is a venue for maintaining among the commonest people the idea that no liberty of travel by car exists and that Americans, especially the poor, must make …
Small towns such as East Ridge, Red Bank, Soddy-Daisy should be careful about limits of law on their police activities. (Photo Courtesy NoogaRadio) TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATIVE NOTICE AS PDF, 20 …
My correspondent Levi is a working man in middle Tennessee. A self-made legal scholar, Levi often sends me trenchant analyses of deep state activity in Tennessee, particularly as it …
The main question in the race between Sheriff Jim Hammond and Democratic challenger Victor Miller is this: Will you obey the law on traffic enforcement or will you agree …
The following is a cover letter to a copy of a notice given to sheriff Jimmy Brown of Lawrence County in central Tennessee. The writer is Arthur J. Hirsch, …
A reform of police traffic stops in Tennessee pursuant to transportation administrative notice Tennessee has many potential constituencies as the bottom-up reform begins to spread. The reform has the power …
East Ridge resident Omerrieal Woods faces East Ridge city court judge Chris Helton on the charge of “driving without a license.” Mr. Woods, a VW worker on the late …