It is raining today when I rush up to the clerk & master’s office in chancery court to file motion and affidavit of default against two state commissioners who don’t give a rat’s bee-hind about oppressing us and violating state law. (Photo David Tulis)

After leaving the courthouse at 4:05 p.m. I go to a post office nearby in Athens, Tenn., to send service copies of notices of default to two Gov. Bill Lee appointees who are leading his administration into a scandal still ignored by the fogbombing media in Tennessee. (Photo David Tulis)

David Gerregano, commissioner of revenue
ATHENS, Tenn., Friday, Dec. 27, 2024 – In Tennessee if you are sued you have 30 days to answer.
What do you think about a government official who is sued for fraud and oppression and fails to answer the lawsuit 53 days after having received the complaint?
Maybe a duo of gangsters are slow readers, for my complaint was 93 pages, and maybe their eyes are just now rolling across the lines of the appendix.
But d’ya think either Jeff Long or David Gerregano run honest operations, or are they scrambling to hide bodies?
My impression is that Jeff Long, commissioner of safety, and David Gerregano, tax boss, are scrambling how to figure out how to deal with the law, a very inconvenient fact, indeed.
In State ex rel Tulis v. Gerregano et al, I am the law, having brought the voluminous pages of “TFRL,” or Tennessee financial responsibility law of 1977, to their attention.
These two create 40,800 false criminal convictions a year upon the citizens of this state by prosecuting them under this law, specifically section 139. Their scam creates many times that number of criminal charges that are “settled.” But these victims of lawless police and judicial power are, with perhaps a few exceptions, wholly innocent.
These are insurance industry noncustomers, prosecuted for “no insurance.”
The program forces people to buy insurance they cannot afford to obtain policies that aren’t certified.
The program is “Eye of Sauron,” the burning surveillance eyeball on the tower burning the countryside and sucking up travelers who don’t buy from Progressive or State Farm.

I am reporter with Eagle Radio Network — marvelously playing rock hits in Chattanooga, and online at https://www.eagleradionetwork.com/
I woke this morning at 3:15 a.m. and worked several hours on my filings, with Christopher Sapp of Sparta, Tenn., on the phone and online going through my draft order line by line, at 6 pages. Mr. Sapp is midstate bureau chief at Eagle Radio Network, and has an amazing eye, great patience, and a colorful vocabulary.
The supreme court has the record, starting with my complaint. It’s in a pickle. Its members have gotten two appeals from me in other matters, and turned them aside, each case highlighting judicial department abuse or neglect. The justices would like to do that here, I suspect, deep six this case. But the momentous nature of the scandal is not easily turned aside with a per curiam denial (unsigned order). Their administrative office of the court finds the other two judges, whom are assigned to the three-judge panel.
The three-judge panel has one purpose: Root out government corruption and violation of the constitution.
Our case has a right to be heard, and I have a right to emergency order of preliminary injunction, an extraordinary remedy due to one without any means of relief.
Your persistance is appropriate. This is a strong message to the government drones who follow and enforce laws they select and ignore others.