License prosecution alleging “driving.” What are the essential elements of driving that must be (1) alleged and, (2) proven? (Photo Chattanoogan.com)
Traffic stops are privilege management administration dressed up as crimes, wonderul for giving cops and deputies something to do and to grandify and ennoble them.
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that you inspected the interior of my automobile
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that you saw property inside the car?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that you saw a person other than me in the car?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that the woman was a guest?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that she was a passenger?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that you have been trained to perceive a difference btween a guest or rider on one hand and a passenger on the other?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that the property and effects in the front and back seats of the car were cargo?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that the “household goods” you saw in the back seat meet the definition of “personal belongings transported from one residence to another by a motor carrier?” (TCA 65-15-102 definitions)
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that you seized, examined documents in the nature of bills of lading for cargo?
Script for trooper on stand — Trial script
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that you asked to see bills of lading?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that you, in noting the effects in the back seat, compared these items with a waybill?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that you asked to see waybills for cargo?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that you reviewed such contracts?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that you asked to see contracts for the carrying of cargo for hire?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that you asked to see contracts for the carrying of passengers for hire?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that you inspected cargo manifests?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that you seized cargo manifests?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that you inspected passenger manifests?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that you seized passenger manifests?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that you demanded to see either type of these manifests?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that you made a determination that the accused is an employer using the public road for private profit and gain as a carrier?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that the accused is an employee, hired by an owner or employer to carry goods or people for hire as part of employment?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that the accused is a servant, hired by an owner or employer to carry goods or people for hire under an hourly contract?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that you obtained proofs of the accused’s operating as a motor carrier upon the public highway for the transportation of persons? (TCA 65-15-102 definitions)
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that you obtained proofs of the accused’s operating as a motor carrier upon the public highway for the transportation of property? (TCA 65-15-102 definitions)
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that the seizure of the accused was a transportation stop?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that accused’s occupation or vocation is that of motor vehicle operator?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that the accused’s calling is that of motor vehicle driver?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that accused was operating that day as a common carrier?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that the accused was operating a motor vehicle as a private carrier?
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that you asked the accused for his logbook.
Do you have any evidence you can testify to that you or your employer are not subject to statewide privilege not enforceable by municipality?