With exceptional detail and comprehensiveness, a paralegal researcher and journalist from Pennsylvania has documented the extensive “pseudo-legal” structures put in place over decades which allowed the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to execute its “COVID-19 vaccine” bioterrorism attack upon its own citizens, killing and maiming many thousands with complete impunity.
Patrick Delaney / LifeSiteNews
Katherine Watt identifies herself as “a Roman Catholic, American, Gen-X writer, paralegal, printmaker, wife and mother.” Prior to becoming a paralegal, Watt earned a philosophy degree from Penn State University, worked as a reporter for small newspapers, and then eventually founded Bailiwick News in 2016
[Editor’s Note: This article is the fourth of a series on the role of the U.S. government in orchestrating a bioterrorism attack upon their own citizens utilizing “biowarfare agents” marketed as “COVID-19 vaccines.” The prior three articles can be accessed here, here, and here.].
Former pharmaceutical executive and researcher Sasha Latypova, who has been a source of several important bombshell reports over the last year, has more recently relied on Watt’s documentation and strongly encouraged “everyone to subscribe to her and read her work. It’s an encyclopedia of law references, meticulously researched going back years describing how the [pseudo-legal] structure [for the government’s bioterrorism program] was put in place and what it entails.”
“I’m saying ‘pseudo-legal’ because you cannot legalize a crime,” Latypova explained in a December video lecture. “They made it on paper legal… [but] none of this is lawful because they are committing a crime.”
Latypova has reported how the COVID-19 “vaccines” were fully produced, controlled, and distributed by the DOD, which managed to classify them not as medicines or pharmaceuticals, but as “COVID countermeasures” under the authority of the military. This means they are not required to comply with U.S. law governing the manufacturing quality, testing, effectiveness, safety, and labeling of drugs or other medical products.
Yet even though these “countermeasures” did not fall under the regulatory and monitoring authority of the FDA and CDC, these agencies orchestrated a “fake theatrical” public relations performance giving the impression to an unsuspecting population that these standard safeguards were indeed in place.
With the pharmaceutical companies, the government agencies and more were involved in “a conspiracy to commit mass murder through bioterrorism and informational warfare operations worldwide,” Latypova asserted. “The evidence is overwhelming that there is an intent to harm people by the COVID 19 injections, so-called ‘vaccines,’ and other nonsensical COVID response measures implemented in lockstep by governments all over the world,” including lockdowns, mask mandates, and school closures.
‘Basic goal of the architects, which has been achieved,’ is ‘legally transforming free citizens into enslaved subjects’
In documenting how such crimes against humanity have been rendered “legal,” Watt has crafted a “[r]esearch and organizing tool” titled American Domestic Bioterrorism Program (ADBP) which is subject to ongoing updates as new information comes to light. Its stated goal is to build “the case to prosecute members of Congress, presidents, HHS and DOD secretaries and federal judges for treason under 18 USC 2381.”
Currently spanning 67 pages when printed, the document lists relevant legislation, regulations, executive orders, and other pertinent events from 1907 through the present which have enabled the “COVID vaccine” bioterrorism attack to take place with a full “legal” architecture serving to facilitate its crimes and provide full immunity for every criminal involved.
“The basic goal of the architects, which has been achieved,” Watt writes, “was to set up legal conditions in which all governing power in the United States could be automatically transferred from the citizens and the three Constitutional branches into the two hands of the Health and Human Services Secretary, effective at the moment the HHS Secretary himself declared a public health emergency, legally transforming free citizens into enslaved subjects.”
“That happened on Jan. 31, 2020, in effect as of Jan. 27, 2020 through the present day,” she observed.
“In other words: Congress and US Presidents legalized and funded the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. government and the American people, through a massive domestic bioterrorism program relabeled as a public health program, conducted by the HHS Secretary and Secretary of Defense on behalf of the World Health Organization and its financial backers,” Watt summarized (emphasis in original).
Violating the US Constitution, Congress ‘authorized concentration of federal governing power’ into the ‘sole’ hands of the HHS Secretary
Points of “critical decay” of the legal code highlighted in Watt’s extensive tract include the 1983 creation of a comprehensive “Public Health Emergency Program” under the direction of the HHS Secretary. With this legislation “public health emergencies” (PHEs) was added to wars, natural disasters, and other emergency circumstances “apparently capable of subordinating or federalizing state, local and tribal government authorities.”
Such a suspension of “Constitutional and statutory protections for American lives, liberties and property, against government overreach and abuse” can apparently be done unilaterally by the President, “without Congressional oversight [42 USC 247d-6d(b)(9)] or judicial review [42 USC 247d-6d(b)(7)], and without respect to Constitutional provisions reserving unenumerated powers to state and local governments and to the People themselves,” Watt wrote in the Executive Summary of her ADBP.
Furthermore, with this act and subsequent amendments, “Congress appears to have authorized concentration of federal governing power in the hands of the Secretary of Health and Human Services during any ‘public health emergency’ as determined and extended by the HHS Secretary at his or her sole discretion.”
In a video interview with Latypova, Watt explained how according to the current legal framework, there is no state, congressional, or judicial authority that is able to overrule the HHS secretary during such a self-declared “public health emergency.”
“It’s a completely closed loop,” she explained. Once they declare a PHE “they have all the power, and they are the only one who can suspend their power because of the way they wrote the laws.”
Yet Watt asked, how did Congress “give away a power that they didn’t have the power to give away? Congress does not have the power to dissolve itself. Congress does not have the power to dissolve the federal judiciary under the U.S. Constitution… You can’t give away a power that wasn’t yours to give away to begin with. And the power in our country is supposed to be in the Constitution, the supreme law of the land. There’s supposed to be nobody that’s above it,” such as an unelected HHS Secretary.
Furthermore, Watt states that, to her knowledge, there are no objective criteria for determining what entails a PHE, and thus it can be arbitrarily determined and extended every 90 days by the HHS Secretary. Most recently, this “renewal” of the PHE was issued on January 11 by Biden administration HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra.
All safety and informed consent requirements suspended for COVID ‘biowarfare agents’ with ‘no stopping condition’
As described by Latypova, the declaration of a PHE is “the keystone” that holds the “COVID-19 vaccine” bioterrorism “criminal structure together,” which includes, 1.) the 1997 establishment of the “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) status for medical products, 2.) the expansion of Other Transaction Authority (OTA) arrangements for the DoD in 2015, and 3.) the 2005 PREP Act and its most recent amendments.
The EUA program allows the HHS Secretary “at his or her sole discretion, to knowingly and deliberately suspend ordinary federal drug safety regulation for the duration of any ‘public health emergency’” which is also determined and extended by his or her sole authority, Watt explains.
Such suspensions include but are not limited to, all clinical trials, data collection, product testing, and standards for labeling, serialization, distribution, storage, advertising, marketing, and informed consent provisions. Also suspended are adverse effect monitoring and reporting standards, product safety enforcement, and recall provisions.
As previously reported by LifeSite, the OTA legislation allowed the DoD to avoid nearly all relevant legal and transparency requirements in their ordering and manufacturing of “COVID countermeasures” (i.e. “vaccines”), which by definition, “are biowarfare agents, legally not medicines, not pharmaceuticals, and not regulated as such.”
Thirdly, Latypova highlights how the PREP Act was amended just before the PHE was announced in January 2020, explicitly and very thoroughly exempting anyone participating in “this bioterrorism program from any liability, from lawsuits, from injuries and deaths caused by these actions.”
Also crucial to this pseudo-legal structure, is a provision in the U.S. Code which states “use” of EUA-covered medical countermeasure products, once designated as such by the Secretary of HHS, “shall not be considered to constitute a clinical investigation.”
Thus, according to Watt, at the declaration of the HHS Secretary, “use of such products is authorized even if there is no safety or efficacy data, even if such products are toxic and ineffective.” Furthermore, even with the dead and injured piling up, “(t)here is no stopping condition, because there is no legally relevant ‘clinical investigation’ to be stopped.”
And since EUA products are not part of any clinical investigation, they are not experimental, and thus there remains no legal obligation to comply with laws and regulations which apply to the use of experimental drugs, including informed consent.
Thus, by the issuing of the PHE, and then the EUA for these bioagents, the HHS Secretary alone suspended informed consent obligations for the entire nation, authorizing those administering these injections to “withhold information about product ingredients; vial contents; potential individual risks and benefits based on individual health conditions; treatment alternatives; and the option to accept or refuse the products.”
Purpose of ‘pseudo-legal’ structure: ‘mounting a covert biological attack’ on the American people
Moreover, citing the U.S. Code directly, Watt explains how “all risk and benefit assessments [for EUA products are] reserved to HHS Secretary alone, [with] no data required and no data or decisional review by Congress, courts or individual recipients [being] authorized.”
In addition, though last year Latypova, and many other experts, were perplexed on why no regulators were intervening to shut down the COVID “vaccine” campaign due to the fact these injections were clearly adulterated, Watt’s research brings clarity citing the U.S. Code itself which directs that EUA products “shall not be deemed adulterated or misbranded.”
This is the case for noncompliance with regulations governing “manufacturing, testing, purity, quality, batch and lot variability, adulteration, expiration dates, labeling, serialization, marketing, branding, dispensing and prescriptions.”
Other statutes appear to:
- Provide “no access to courts for judicial review of the facts or law relating to HHS Secretary public health emergency declarations and medical countermeasures product classifications,”
- Designate manufacturers, as contractors, to be “considered HHS employees for purposes of legal immunity under Federal Tort Claims Act,”
- Preempt the authority of state, local and tribal governments with respect to these invasive measures,
- Authorize the “just following orders” defense; and
- Establish that there is “no access for plaintiffs, to civil courts for judicial review, and no entity to whom civil liability can attach, for injuries and deaths caused by covered medical countermeasures.”
For Ms. Watt, the evidence conclusively indicates that the “interlocking corruption of federal emergency management, public health and drug safety laws” has “the purpose of mounting a covert biological attack by the US Government on the American people under the fraudulent characterization of biological weapons as ‘Covid-19 vaccines.’”
‘Government-run mass murder is not at all an inconceivable crime,’ hundreds of thousands of excess deaths due to ‘vaccine induced mortality’
In a November 12 substack post, Watt made the observation that “one of the most common features of governments” is that eventually “most of them kill off a lot of their own people.”
Latypova, who grew up in the Soviet Union, opined in an email correspondence to LifeSite, “it is extremely common for governments to terrorize and kill their own citizens, and it is much more likely to occur when the government is large and centralized.” This is especially the case with “communist/fascist governments” who have “orchestrated famines and mass terror and are responsible for ~200M deaths in the past century or so.”
“But there is no difference today with the US federal government which has fused with huge global corporations such as the biopharma complex, banks, academic institutions and media conglomerates among others,” she wrote. Such governing structures are, “by definition, fascist.”
Since the “COVID-19 vaccine” countermeasures have been deployed, primarily in 2021, there has been a sharp rise in excess mortality.
In December, highly acclaimed insurance analyst Josh Stirling reported that those who accepted the experimental gene-base COVID injections “have a 26% higher mortality rate,” including 49% for those under 50, and 145% for those who accepted just one dose of a two-dose regimen.”
Stirling said these are “the best statistics we have” and “maybe it will get better,” but at this point, “we’ve got to assume this is now the baseline” which includes “something like 600,000 excess deaths per year in the United States from this higher vaccine induced mortality.”
In fact, in 2021, group health insurance numbers showed that those in the work force, between the ages of 25 and 64, “suddenly experience 40 percent excess mortality, compared to [the already extremely high] 32 percent in the general population.”
Scott Davison, the president of OneAmerica insurance in Indianapolis, explained the significance of these numbers particularly in regard to the industry’s 40% increase in 2021 third-quarter death rates, which were the highest the company has “seen in the history of the business.”
“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So, 40% is just unheard of.”
‘The most able bodied,’ the young and athletic, incur the highest increase in disability and mortality rates due to employment and school injection mandates
Furthermore, since May of 2021, the U.S. population as a whole has incurred an 11 percent increase in disabilities, while for the employed it was even much higher reaching a 26 percent increase.
Former BlackRock analyst and fund manager Edward Dowd observed, it was therefore, particularly “detrimental to your health to be employed in 2021 and 2022… Something is happening to the most able-bodied amongst us, college students, those employed, those in the military, the frontline workers.”
“The only explanation for this that I can see is mandates for experimental biological inoculations,” he said.
Additional indicators include an epidemic of young athletes who experience cardiac arrest or die suddenly despite enjoying a highest level of physical health.
One source called Real Science, whose authors expressly desire to remain anonymous, has presently documented a “non-exhaustive and continuously growing list” of 1700 athletes who suffered cardiac arrests and other serious health issues, including 1197 deaths, since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout around January 1, 2021.
Other researchers have put such documentation into a video format titled “1,000 Athletes Collapsing, Dying, Heart Problems, Blood Clots – March 2021 to June 2022.”
While the legacy and social media corporations have exercised a relentless suppression of such information, public consciousness of these realities is more significant than some may expect.
Early this month a Rasmussen Poll found that 28% of Americans know someone “personally” whose death they believe may have been caused by one of these “COVID vaccines.” Additionally, while there was very little partisan difference in this poll’s results, it found that about half of Americans believe it is at least somewhat likely that COVID injections have caused “a significant number of unexplained deaths.”
With regards to the U.S. government deliberately initiating a genocide campaign against its own citizens, it is also interesting to note that in 2018 “CIA-front company” Deagel apparently forecasted that the United States would suffer an approximate 70% depopulation by 2025, without any indication of what they expected would cause such a catastrophe.
International Banking interests, through the WHO, foster legalized forced quarantine and detention, ‘on suspicion of having colds’
Yet, according to Watt, standing behind these criminal enterprises of individual governments exists an organizing principle which is pressing this identical depopulation agenda across the globe.
In her analysis titled Legal Walls of the Covid-19 Kill Box, Watt identifies international banking interests, particularly “the men and women who privately own the Bank of International Settlements” (BIS) of Basel, Switzerland as a primary driving force of this agenda. Quoting and providing documentation to a presentation made by Attorney Todd Callender on this topic, Watt adopts his same abbreviated designation for this group of “Eight Families” simply referring to them as “The Owners.”
As reported by Callender and Watt, The Owners have controlling interests in the private central banks of almost all Western and developing nations, including the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank and have consolidated control of “energy systems, water and food supplies; money supplies used as a medium of exchange; and most (but not all) media and information channels.”
Since large and growing populations are more challenging to control, Callender states that around 1990, “The Owners decided depopulation was needed,” and supported the idea across the globe of the necessity for “sustainable development” and actions needed to “mitigate climate change.”
Over the next several years, they facilitated the adoption of three UN Conventions—Agenda 21/30 (1990), Framework on Climate Change (1994), and Population and Development Program of Action (1994)—successfully creating an international legal framework “that subordinates human rights and national sovereignty to global governing instruments operated privately by a handful of men and women accountable to no one but themselves,” Watt wrote.
These efforts were assisted by intense global propaganda campaigns throughout the 1990’s and into the 21st Century and were further assisted by the World Health Organization’s (WHO) creation of “International Health Regulations” (IHR) in 2005.
One hundred ninety-six nations signed this agreement, which became “a binding instrument of international law” committing signatories to implement such IHRs into their own nation’s legal structures.
The adoption of IHRs in the United States regulate not only foreign quarantine activities, but interstate and intrastate ones as well during “public health emergencies of international concern” (PHEICs).
Subsequent executive orders by Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama defined the powers of the HHS Secretary to quarantine Americans very broadly identifying quarantinable diseases as not only serious ailments such as Smallpox and Yellow Fever, but also viruses equivalent to the common cold (2003), the common flu (2005), and finally, as summarized by Watt, “suspected but asymptomatic colds” (2014).
Finally, as Watt documents, an HHS regulation revised in January 2017 (42 CFR Section 70) “authorizes the federal government to apprehend American citizens on suspicion of having colds.” Therefore, “healthy American citizens can also be involuntarily detained to keep us from travelling intrastate (within a state’s borders).”
Pseudo-legal structure successfully suspends ‘your human rights, your sovereign rights, your Constitutional rights’
Cumulatively, these “pseudo-legal” structures from the legislative and executive branches, have allowed the federal government, through the agency of the CDC, as directed by the HHS Secretary, alongside state governors and local health authorities to:
- place all Americans — including healthy Americans with no symptoms — under home/hospital/nursing home/business/school/military barracks/prison/detention facility arrest;
- close schools, businesses, churches and government offices;
- order that healthy Americans wear medical devices (cloth masks) against their will; without personal risk-benefit assessment; without individual clinical diagnoses or evidence of efficacy for infection control, and without a personal physician’s prescription; and
- submit to forcible injection of mRNA and DNA toxins on pain of losing their jobs or being kicked out of school.
As explained by Callender, these structures allow for, “in every instance, a suspension of your human rights, your sovereign rights, your Constitutional rights, [and] charter rights.”