CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Friday, Feb. 18, 2022 — I have nine questions concerning the heavily marketed drug push by government to get 100 percent of the citizenry involved in an experiment serving Big Pharma and promoters of vaccines as the sole standard for human health.
The health department has refused to respond to the inquiry 30 days ago regarding means to follow up on so-called “vaccine adverse events.”
On Tursday I went to Hamilton County mayor Jim Coppinger’s officer and left a single sheet of paper with spokesman Mike Dunn stating the questions not answered by the department that is part of the executive branch. I misstate the number of days I have been waiting for a health department reply.
I am demanding answers because of the liability the county has assumed in participating — amid admitted fraud, violation of state law — in an experiment of a product that is under development and has not been tested. The FDA does not approve of the DNA-altering treatment. But it allows them under a purported and properly declared federal emergency.
“More recently, the Health Department crossed the milestone of having given over 200,000 doses of the COVID vaccine here in Hamilton County,” says Sabrina Novak in a press release. “At times, this hurdle seemed so very far away but was something that we kept chipping away at, day by day.”
The Tennessee state of emergency is fraudulent and lawless, as I am arguing in court.
Once lawsuits pile on, the county will go bankrupt as it will be unable to pay the damages. Because it violated Tenn. Code Ann. § 68-5-104, it acted in bad faith in administering the Pfizer, Moderna and other experimental so-called “clot shots.” I bring this point up to Mr. Dunn in delivering my questions.
‘Unanswered questions’
David Tulis Mike, I’ve got some unanswered questions for the health department.
Mayor spokesman Mike Dunn Well I would go back to the health department
David Well, they have not answered them and so I have posed them to the medical examiner – trying to get an interview with the medical examiner (Dr. James Metcalfe]. And I want to give you a copy of these questions because they are important as to public safety, Mike. [Handing him 1 sheet of paper with my business card attached.]
There they are. It’s been 17 days since I asked them to the health department. I live in Soddy-Daisy; I’ve asked my commissioner to ask for me. Haven’t heard back from Randy Fairbanks yet. But they are questions that are being discussed, and I would like to have some sense of where people who are damaged by the shots can go.
Last time I called, “we don’t have anything. You can call VAERS,” the vaccine adverse event reporting system, the very janky FDA website. Is that it?
Mr. Dunn I’d be happy to pass it on.
David If you’d pass that on, I’d be grateful. And having the answers would be great, too.
Mr. Dunn OK.
David Because as my remonstrance and address pointed out, the county has piled up liability and not having any safety protocols, from what I gather, in place at all, not even one person assigned to collect information, no PR about, you know, if you’ve gotten the shot from us and you’ve got a problem or your survivors, they’ve survived — who do you call? What do you do? The county has responsibility and because, Mike, fraud is admitted in court by the county in violation of 68-5-104, there’s no easy out – once the lawyers realize, Hey, we can go after the county because it is admitted in violation of the primary communicable [disease] statute –
Mike Dunn [Turning aside to secretary.] there is another visitor, we can have only one visitor at a time. [Turning to me.] Is there anything else?
David You understand the context of my inquiry, right? I’m trying to reduce liability for the county. The questions are a prod to have that happen, like my remonstrance. I appreciate your talking with me, Mike.
Grief counseling? But no myocarditis counseling?
Mrs. Novak apparently has no program to follow up on the experimental shots and the mass harm they are reportedly administering to hundreds of thousands of people across the country.
9 questions they refuse to answer
But the county has an alternative to tracking the mass harm it is poking into men and women, boys and girls, one needle at a time: Grief counseling for people who die of flu or CV-19.
As of today, our community has reached the sobering milestone of 1000 COVID deaths,” Mrs. Novak says, “since the start of the pandemic. Each one of these deaths was an individual; they were someone’s mother, father, sister, brother, or friend. Our deepest sympathies and condolences to all those who have lost loved ones; they leave a hole in our community that cannot be replaced.
Grief is natural after such a loss and there are resources in the community that can help. Please visit the CDC’s webpage at https://bit.ly/3IXzSQ2 to learn more about the common reactions of grief and to find resources that can help better manage it.
She says, “Please call us at 423-209-8383 with any questions” about Covid 19.
Time to fight
Has the medical examiner validated “COVID-19” to be the cause of death? Has the examiner isolated and evidenced the “COVID-19”?