Tennessee judge Pam Fleenor’s rejection of equity in my mandamus case to halt the CV-19 state of disaster is allowing thousands of people to face profound medical danger from gene-altering shots that are admittedly malevolent.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM
Hamilton County has been giving shots to thousands of members of the public for free since December 2020, under health department assurances that the shots by three drugmakers are “effective and safe.”
The Australian government in 2016 gave its military authorization to inject “poison” into members of the public. A document signed by Dr. Andrew Robertson, chief health officer, on March 24, authorizes licensees to administer CV-19 shots under the WHO-described Covid-19 pandemic. The national March 23, 2020, public health emergency is said in an ancillary document to apply to the State of Western Australia. In a four-page authorization, Dr. Robertson authorizes prescribers and pharmacists to prescribe or supply schedule 4 or schedule 8 poisons.
Public Health Act 2016 (WA) – Instrument of Authorisation – Authorisation to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – Australian Defence Force] (No.2) 2021
The page is visible from the government at the link above. In the definitions,
Schedule 4 poison means a substance that is classified by the Medicines and Poisons Regulations 2016 (WA) as a poison included in Schedule 4.
Schedule 8 poison means a substance that is classified by the Medicines and Poisons Regulations 2016 (WA) as a poison included in Schedule 8.

Vaccinated people are coming to be seen as infectious agents on account of the shots that alter the “software of life” and induce various harms such as sterilization, clots and death. The work of Judge Fleenor is furthering what the unrebutted record makes clear is a mass fraud, a mass set of acts that fall under the Tennessee official misconduct law that no Tennessee public officials has denounced.
The case was 200 days in her court, and after four dismissal orders is requiring me to send it to the court of appeals in Knoxville, with filing deadlines immediate and fees and litigation taxes due instantly.

The documentation is forwarded by Hal Anthony of Reallibertymedia.com‘s “Back to the Woodshed” podcast Sunday 3 p.m. eastern time. For the past 10 years Mr. Anthony has been warning of exactly what government has done against the people since March 2020.
Dissenting scientists say that people who get the shots will become vectors for new forms of the complex of flu-like symptoms called CV-19. The military in the U.S. is involved in the population vaccination project, just as the one in Australia.

All medications are classified as ‘Poisons’ under Australian regulations, even Paracetamol.
The use of the word poison in this document is because of the way it is regulated not because they consider it poisonous.
Maybe you should do a bit more fact checking