ChristendomCommon law rightsPersecutions

Truck driver riled TBI won’t destroy DNA in botched case

Michael James visits a criminal court clerk about expunging the record after two felony assault charges in a botched case are dismissed. (Photo David Tulis)

The grievance of my DNA being taken from me and put into the TBI database is as follows.

By Michael James

It is a form of slander and defamation to have my name in the TBI database. I was falsely arrested, falsely accused, falsely put into sessions court hearings in a case which was void from inception because the officer had no sworn statement with which to create a criminal case,  Which was dismissed by sessions court judge Gerald Webb.

The defamation and slander is that my DNA in my name will come up in searches within the agency. That means that one person is associating my name with a criminal matter in which there is no criminal matter in fact. 

[A train of evils follow a false arrest, as this review by truck driver Michael James attests. Mr. James, subject of a “911 call from hell” abuse by Chattanooga police and the Hamilton County criminal court system, is demanding an affidavit about his DNA from the TBI. The agency is refusing to swear to anything about evidence in a botched criminal case created ex nihilo (from nothing) by Hamilton County magistrate Lorrie Miller. See more about Michael James here. — DJT]

That communication, with the screen communicating my name and details to the eyes of the person viewing the file, is a publication of a falsehood, a defamation and a harm. 

TBI refuses to make an affidavit that the DNA sample has been destroyed and my information, starting with my name, has been removed from its database.

The refusal to state under penalty of perjury that this deletion has occurred means that the deletion has not occurred, despite verbal assurances in phone conversations.

The harm is to my good name. I, Michael James, an innocent person, a man of goodwill, with a clean record, having committed no crimes whatsoever, and no torts. 

To have my name connected in a criminal matter is a harm to my reputation, even though the market reach of the publishing is within the agency of Tennessee, the TBI.

The reading of my name in a criminal database by one or more people is a harm to me, and a defamation, and a slander.

If TBI refuses to make affidavit of the destruction of the DNA and deletion of my name, that means that it publishes my name and information and uses my name and information for search purposes in other criminal cases. That my name is used for this purpose and possibly put into lists of suspects or people to question or  investigate further that are viewed by people, is a harm, slander and defamation against me.

Michael James fights for rights

The Tulis Report is 1 p.m. weekdays at NoogaRadio 92.7 FM. Also Facebook.

This 20-page legal notice lets you fight back vs. illicit ‘traffic stops’ — sue for damages, have defense in your criminal case

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